The Radical Beginning: Part One
In the dead of night in midtown Megakat City, in what was generally considered the scuzzy warehouse district all cities seemed to have, Chance Furlong held the floor in a deserted children's playground. He was on the tall side and somewhat burly. ...
The Farmer
Tom got up at six o'clock as he always did. He was a tall feline with creamy brown fur. His build was on the lean side in terms of proportions but it was solid as a tree trunk and he had thick, meaty arms from a lifetime of working. He had a...
Top of the Food Chain
Decided to write a quick little story about Alex Fletcher's first day of school. Alex being one of the main villains in the current story arc of Damion St. James' series Tales From Apartment 232. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third grade....
Cecil's Midnight Stroll
This is an old story, written around 2004 or so, and never posted here for some reason. It concerns the character of Cecil, a serial killer created for the SWAT Kats universe. It peters out at the end, but otherwise to this date I think it's one of my...
Shock to the System
DISCLAIMER: This is a story involving Nazis and furthermore, it contains scenes set in a concentration camp (a made-up one, but a concentration camp just the same). This is no sex. Nor is there any glorifying of the Nazis and what they do. Rather this...
The Doctors of Doom, Part Seven
Street's body shuddered. He dropped the empty flask, which shattered, his skin bubbling, expanding to tumorous proportions, ripping out of what little remained of his torn and ragged clothing, his brown fur darkening, turning black, his features and...
The Doctors of Doom, Part Eight
Outside, the Enforcers were licking their wounds after the thrashing Street had given them. A few were tending to the commando who'd been flung against the side of the car earlier. Wrecked vehicles lay strewn about the power plant lot. Suddenly, they...
The Doctors of Doom, Part Nine
"Attention! Attention!" the female voice announced over the plant P.A., audible over the rush of water flooding in from the broken pipe as the two SWAT Kats re-entered the cooling tower. "Radiation levels lowering. Cleanup crew to Sector 6. Initiate...
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1
As the sun began its slow descent heading towards evening, the peaceful setting of a bayside oil refinery was disrupted as the refinery tanks exploded one by one, until the entire place was in flames. An enormous roiling column of black smoke rose into...
The Doctors of Doom, Part One
Thunk! The moss-covered rock hit the chain once more. Murdoch, sweating, grunted and raised it over his head again. He was a big kat, muscles bulging through the prison-issue white shirt and plain brown pants he was wearing. He and four other...
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Five
The two dropped down into a darkened hallway of some sort with a grilled floor and metallic walls. T-Bone landed first on both feet with a dull thud and Razor behind him with a softer sound. The duo poised for a moment to take in their surroundings...
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Four
"We've lost contact with Lieutenant Feral," Sergeant Talon said gravely. Standing nearby, Chance and Jake exchanged worried glances which Feral caught ouf of the corner of one eye. If nothing else, for all their bluster, those two, much like...