No Dogs - ROAR 9

"Come on, Taissa. We don't wanna be late for your first day!" The small Staffordshire terrier shouldered her bright, pink bookbag and hurried to catch up to the older, brindle terrier. Why did her mom have to walk so fast? Stubby puppy legs weren't...

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Not Like Us - Preview

"Ugh, these night shifts are killing me. How do you do it, Sarge?" The bulldog cast a sideways glance at the whining Border Collie, but otherwise kept his eyes on the road in front of them. "Relax pup. It's only six to six, nothing to fret over....

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The Night the Stars Fell - Preview

"Steady the mast there, Miguel! Don't want any early morning crashes!" "Aye Captain Diaz!" The young bull wrapped the frayed cord around his burly hand and pawed at the ground, straining to keep the heavy mast from coming loose and blowing the ship...

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