Undertow : Prologue -- Chapter 5 - Christmas
**--Naki--** Christmas morning was a crazy time for me. I had to wake up at six in the morning just to be able to get Fen on time to go to church with us. It was a struggle convincing him to go-- he figured I was just going to pick him up after...
Undertow : Prologue -- Chapter 4 - Anticipation
**--Naki--** It snowed heavily in the days leading up to Christmas; heavily enough that I didn't quite want to drive. I did, though, since today was the day Fen and I had agreed to meet up and talk about what he'd do on Christmas day. I figured...
Undertow: Prologue -- Chapter 3 - Nostalgia
**-Naki-** "That friend of yours is really helpful," Mom said as I helped her with the dishes. Khole was playing some video game Nathan convinced him to play since I didn't want to. Reggie was watching them and Dad was watching television in the...
Micro Rights
Journal entry #150 Reed "the red fox" Rogers. Micro Rights I didn't believe that the notion of "Micro Rights" was anything that could ever be taken seriously when I was younger. Where I grew up, we were pests, vermin, pets, toys, food-- anything...
Treading Chapter 16 -- Rory’s Party
**--Naki--** It's hard to believe its only been a little more than a week since we watched Fen's parents leave, especially with everything that's happened since. Incidents have been picking up across Neotria. Just yesterday I'd heard that some...
Treading Chapter 6 - Prom
**-Naki - Monday-** Seniors have no school on Monday in order to prepare for prom, and it is a busy day. Motley and Samson are going to meet me there after I drop Fen and Sian off. I've been so busy that I don't even know who Samson or Motley are...
Treading Chapter 5 - Prom date
Treading Chapter 5 - Prom date **--Fen--** "There's no telling what they'll do," I say quickly, messing with the food on my plate at the dinner table. My mother and father sit across from me, seeming equally uncertain about the situation. "If...
Treading Chapter 4 - Championship
**--Fen--** That last weekend was the longest I'd ever experienced. I couldn't motivate myself to do much more than mull over what'd happened on Friday. What's weird is I couldn't figure out just why it bothered me so much. I'd already accepted that...
Insif’s Introduction - A new challenger approaches
_Author's note: This is a short story to introduce my new dewott character, Insift :)_ With toes splayed into the ground, Insif peers at the smaller human that'd just approached him. The leather of the gloves snugged to his charcoal-gray paws...
Treading Chapter 10 - Move-in
**--Fen--** "It'll be fine, Naki isn't going to do anything bad to me," I mutter as we ride towards Phalance's main campus. Today's the day we move in and I couldn't be more excited-- or should I say anxious? Neither could my parents, apparently, as...
Treading Chapter 9 - Requoran Neotrian
**--Naki--** "And what were you doing that was so important that you didn't -call- to tell us that you wouldn't be home? You had us worried sick, Naki!" mom says, keeping her voice just below shouting levels. I try to keep a straight face but I'm...
Treading Chapter 8 - Registration
**--Naki--** Fen and I don't talk as much for a few days. When I do manage to get him on the phone, our conversations are short and they don't flow as well as they did in previous weeks. I notice he's more agitated, especially on the topic of...