Undertow: Prologue -- Chapter 3 - Nostalgia

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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#22 of Cloakers Universe - Treading

Chapter 3. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust before it turns Thursday X3. Does anyone even remember Dan?


"That friend of yours is really helpful," Mom said as I helped her with the dishes. Khole was playing some video game Nathan convinced him to play since I didn't want to. Reggie was watching them and Dad was watching television in the living room.

"I noticed," I said, drying the next plate off. "He's kind of strange sometimes, but--"

"He had a million questions about Pheyinists the other day," she stated. I hadn't heard that one until just then.

"He did?"

"Yea, while you were out with Motley getting ready for that party you wanted to go to."

"Like what?"

She shrugged a little, starting to scrub one of the larger, clear dishes. "Just general questions. About the church, about how long we'd been attending, a few questions about Pheyinism and Requorans-- not that I minded. I was happy to answer. He was really interested."

He hadn't asked me any questions up to that point. Not that I minded. When I thought about it, I figured it fit in with what he always seemed to do: ask questions.

"He seems really sweet," Mom said with a little smile. "It's too bad he couldn't go see his parents. I bet he really misses them."

"You'd think so," I said. "Maybe it's because they're his adopted parents but he seems fine. It's weird to me but I guess I don't know how it feels."

"Adopted parents?"

"Yea. Fen told me he said his real parents are dead."

She passed the next plate to me. "That's horrible. How long did he know them before it happened?"

"I don't know."

"Well, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. The Good Lord must've been with him through it all."

"Yea," I responded, smiling a little myself. "How's the job search going for Dad?" I hadn't gotten a chance to speak with him much yet. I hoped to change that before long.

"Ohh you know," she sighed. "He's trying. Hawk Mechanics is interviewing him in a couple days so that's good. He's not been having a lot of luck, though. I'm just thankful nothing big's come along to make things harder. No health issues, no broken cars-- just a question of how long it'll last."

I was quiet; uncertain of how to respond. We'd always found a way through our issues. Neither Mom nor Dad had been through college so their qualifications didn't get them very far around our area and shortage of jobs wasn't helping. Dad had always been the one who got the jobs and Mom took care of the house. I don't know if it's just that Mom doesn't want to work or she couldn't; I've never asked. They always found a way to put food on the table even when Dad was looking for his previous job. Requorans were the answer at times but they were only ever a small addition to whatever we were eating-- I don't think we ever caught enough of them to do much more than supplement a full meal-- not that it happened anymore. Mom kept a garden in the backyard that helped cut a few costs and provide snacks, though sometimes wild animals or Requorans would get to them which is funny in a way. Requorans stealing from the garden is partially what got Dad into catching them.

The church also held food drives and would support its members through charity and family programs. Through these things and some creativity we always managed. Thinking back, there's a lot of stuff Mom and Dad must've done behind the scenes to keep us in the dark about our situation. I may never know the full extent of it, honestly.

The silence was broken by her holding the next dish out to me. "Ahh, but you don't wanna hear about that stuff. Things'll be fine; they always are."

"Yea," I said. In my head I wondered about that. I was pretty sure that the only reason I was even able to attend Phalance was because of loans from the government. Part of me began to wonder what might happen if that dried up, which steamrolled into my regretting not being more proactive in finding scholarships.

I managed to put it out of my mind a few days later. Motley and I had planned to go to a party with some old high school friends. We used to go to one almost every weekend but college was a real change of pace. Since we had the free time and had heard about it early enough this seemed like a nice way to get in touch with old friends and let go for a while. I'd been really waiting for a chance to party-- since we'd gotten into college I hadn't really done much and Rory's party, while fun, just didn't feel like it always did in high school.

"Alcohol isn't my thing; I'll stay here. You guys have fun, though. Don't party too hard," Khole said. I knew he'd probably say something like that since it's about the same thing he said when we were going to Rory's party.

"Just thought I'd ask." I was already on my way out of the door to my room.

"Y'don't have to drink if you don't wanna. Could just come and hang out for a bit," Motley suggested from behind me.

"I could. I won't know anyone but you two, though. Plus... I'm gonna bet most of them are gonna be Neotrians. No offense-- but alcohol plus young Neotrians seems like more trouble than someone like me should bite off."

"Y'have a point there. I'd tell you it wouldn't be a big deal but... I don't actually know who's all comin'," Motley said.

"Yea," I agreed, silently hoping Brad wouldn't show up. I'd all but forgotten about him. "Well anyway, see ya when I get back."

"Have fun." He waved.

"Later, Khole."

The place was actually close enough to walk to, but my parents pretty much forbade us from walking around outside at this time of night. They weren't wrong to do it, especially since some were better at seeing in the dark than me. The ride wasn't long and I found parking much closer than I thought I would. Andron, the guy who was hosting the party, was a friend of mine but Motley and him were closer since they were on the football team together. I had a handful of other friends who knew him from school, too. Samson had already told me he'd be coming. I didn't know if Lorry would.

The inside of Andron's house was loud as you'd expect it to be for a party. Unlike Rory's party, which despite having a bunch of drunk people attending, kept some semblance of control. This looked a lot more like the high school parties Motley and I'd been regulars at only a year ago.

"Motley! Naki! What up?" Andron called out, holding his hands up; one of which clasped a bottle of vodka. A grin spread across the cheetah's face as he walked over and swung his free hand for high fives.

"Nammuch, long time man," Motley grinned, tugging the cheetah in for a one-armed hug.

"Too long, dude! Come on in, get some drinks! The girls just got here and there's plenty of'em. Naki you too!" he wrapped his arms around our shoulders and led us in. The living room was already pretty full of a lot of familiar faces; a few from our swim team and one I didn't expect: Darrel, the frog from the Taers. More than that, he was wearing a collar. I took note of it but didn't say anything immediately.

"Feels like we're late or somethin'," I said. "Everyone's already acting drunk!"

"Naaah, jerks decided to show up early." He snerked before letting go and grabbing a couple cups, handing them to Motley and I.

"T'getcha started. I gotta get back to the kitchen t'get more but you guys know the drill." He grabbed another cup for himself and downed what has to have been half of it before grinning.

"Dude! Dan! You ready yet?" he laughed, slapping a coughing fox on the back as he made his way to the kitchen.

I took a sip of whatever was in the cup, which turned out to be jager and cider, while scanning the rest of the living room. Motley was already ahead of me, though, walking over to some of the guys from his old team.

"Hey it's Motley!"

"The Silent Death!" someone shouted, leading the others around them to laugh. I didn't actually know what that meant when I first heard it a couple years ago. Apparently Motley was pretty quiet on the field, but not a lineman you wanted to come up against. Or something. I never really got it.

"Haha, is that what Andron gave you? Nasty, right? Here, we got some good stuff over here." Motley walked over to the bear that'd been talking and sat down nearby, getting a second cup that was soon passed down the couch to him. Another came down for me.

"You playin' ball for Phalance?" a tiger asked.

"Thanks, man," Motley said as he got the cup and looked over to the tiger. "Yea, just couldn't stay away I guess. How 'bout you?"

"You're Naki, right?" A jackal next to me asked, getting my attention. I recognized him from Motley's team too but I didn't know his name.

"Yea, what's your name?"

"Kev. You were the guy that got with Loraine weren't you?"

Part of me cringed a little. It'd been more than half a year but I still remember the feelings that situation gave me.

"Yea," I said. "She's with Brian now, though."

"I know," he replied with a laugh. "You pissed Brad off good, though. Way to go there. Jerk deserved it."

My mood almost instantly lightened at that. "No argument there, man." I laughed a little, finishing the cup off.

"Yo, Naki! How's it hangin' dude?" Ryan, a bear, called to me from the other side of Motley.

"Not too much! Hangin' in there, how about you?" I called back.

"Hah, awesome. Not bad here. Glad you guys could make it. You up there at Phalance with Motley?"

"Yea," I said. "We're rooming together."

"Ahh, cool cool."

I took a drink.

"That rumor about you and the wolf turn out to be true?" Kev asked suddenly. I looked at him for a moment.

"Ahh that's probably just something Brad made up. You know how he gets," Ryan said.

"Ryyyan," a female voice called out. A group of girls walked over, some giggling about something. The one that shouted was a red panda and behind her was a group of three; a possum, a badger; the same one Motley took to prom; and an otter.

"Stop sitting around and come dance!"

"Alright alright, I'm comin'," Ryan shouted back.

"Not just you; all of you. Get your asses up and come dance." The red panda followed up towards everyone sitting around. A couple others took the hint, including Motley.

"Comin'?" he asked as he stood up.

"Nah, go ahead," I said.

"Oh come on. You too. Liza needs someone to dance with," the red panda said, shifting her head over to the otter female in their group.

"Just 'cause we're the same species doesn't--"

"You said you were looking for another otter!" the panda interjected, looking at the girl who just spoke.

That much was apparently true since she quieted down. I kinda wanted to go say 'hi' to more old faces but I didn't mind going to at least see what kind of dance floor they were talking about.

"Come on, you're dancing with Liza," the panda grasped my paw and tugged me over. I could've resisted but didn't. The look on Liza's face was apologetic but I just grinned in return; I didn't mind that much.

There was no 'dance' floor since this was Andron's house, but the dining room had been cleared out so that there was an open area for dancing. It was even louder in this room; I couldn't hear anyone that wasn't half-shouting.

She stood next to me after the red panda let go, staring at the dance floor and her friends shouting and laughing with Motley and the other football guys. I stood next to her and took another tip from my cup before turning my head to look at her. "Did you go to Necit?" I asked.

"Nah, I was at Bemont High," she said as I finished off the second drink I'd been given. I was starting to feel the buzz at that point.

"Ahh, Taers, huh? I saw someone else from Bemont a second ago."

"Yea, there're a few. What's your name anyway?"

"Oh, sorry," I said. "It's Naki. You're Liza, right?" She was just a little shorter than me. Mostly brown and caramel-colored fur as far as I could tell but the fur atop her head was shaped into a small mohawk. She had a piercing in her right ear, glasses, and I could make out a different color of fur on her hands than on her face but the room was too dark for me to know exactly what color it was.

"Yea. Sorry about Lana. She's a bit pushy. You don't have to do this if you don't wanna." I looked up at the others on the floor. The music was loud and fast, most people were grinding against one another more than they were dancing which would've just ended awkwardly for me so I decided against it.

"Well, I don't really wanna dance but I do want another drink. Wanna come with me?" I asked.

She looked out at the dance floor for a moment and chuckled. "Yea, alright. I gotcha. Let's go get some drinks."

I lead her out and back to the living room and then the kitchen. I didn't personally think the cider drink was bad even if Ryan did.

"Hahah, he can hardly stand up! Go on, Dan, get in." I heard someone half-shout behind me as he tried to keep his voice above the volume of the music. I grabbed one of the full drink cups and handed it to Liza before grabbing my own and trying to see what was going on. What I saw was a small fox next to a couple empty bottle caps stumbling towards a hollowed-out ball with an entrance on the side. The guys around him I didn't immediately recognize; a hyena, a dog, a meerkat, a lizard, and a wolf. I recognized the fox as the same one Andron had been yelling at at the beginning of the party-- which means he had a cloaker since the fox I saw before was normal-sized. A quick look at the ball told me all I needed to know about what was going to happen.

Before I met Fen, there were times we'd bring some micro one of us managed to capture to our parties. We'd get them drunk and then make them do stupid things. Sometimes it'd just be to watch them stumble around and other times it'd be more dangerous. We never killed any of them-- though I admit I used to find it funny watching them try to run in the hollow ball or scamper from one side of the part to the other. I never thought much of it before.

The feeling I got was weird. Of course this is exactly the kind of thing I would've been laughing at before. Now though, it was different. I remember telling myself that they weren't going to -hurt- Dan. That it'd be okay-- except it wasn't okay. I didn't know what to do, though. If Fen were there we'd leave... I kept wondering if that's what I should do.

"What're they doing to him?" Liza asked while we stood there just behind the group, watching.

"They're gonna put him in that ball and have him walk around in it. It's a thing we used to do-- well, still do I guess."

"Does he even want to?"

"I dunno, guys. I'm uh... I'm pretty woozy from all the booze. M-maybe I can sober up a bit first?" Dan squeaked.

"You're not getting your cloaker back until you do it, Danny boy. A promise is a promise. You used to laugh so hard when we did this to other micros~"

"Heh--yea," he said, ears lowered and tail tucked. He looked up at the entrance and reached to try and start climbing in while the hyena held the ball in place. Much as he apparently liked it before, it didn't seem like he was so into it now. His gaze met mine for a second, hanging there as if wanting to say something. I looked away before too long.

"He'll be fine," I said despite what my feelings were telling me. What was I going to do to help him anyway? And as long as they didn't hurt him there was nothing wrong, right? At least that's the excuse I gave myself. I wasn't being very convincing.

"Seems like he kinda minds it."

"Eh, let's just get out of here," I said. I didn't want confrontation and I didn't think anything would happen to Dan. I turned to leave and thankfully Liza followed. Luckily I only had a few moments to linger on the memory before I heard a welcomed voice.

"Naki! What's up?" Samson asked, walking in with vodka in one hand and rum in the other. He put them down on a table nearby and walked over to slap hands with me.

"Nammuch, man. How're you? Later than usual t'day."

"Yea, the parents are moving and I had to help. Good now, though. Who's this?" he asked, looking over at Liza.

"Oh, this is Liza. Just met her today. Liza, this is Samson. I met him a long time ago; we were on the swim team."


"Hi," she gave a wave and a grin.

"So where's Fen? Little wolf didn't come with ya?"

"Uh... no," I said. "He stayed home. Doesn't like partying much."

"Yea, I got that feeling at Rory's shindig."

"Who's 'little' Fen?" Liza asked.

I looked at her for a moment, shifting on my feet. Samson said nothing but the look on his face was apologetic.

"My boyfriend," I said. "Who uh... happens to be a Requoran." I considered making something else up but... I didn't see why I should.

She blinked once and seemed to consider that for a moment. "That was... unexpected. How long?"

"About a year ago. We met right before we graduated."

"So I guess he has one of those rings? I'm surprised you weren't more pissed at those guys back there."

"Heh, yea..." I looked around the room for a moment. "If Fen were here then we'd be leaving, believe me. He's not, though. As long as no one gets hurt, y'know?" I said. I didn't feel great for saying it but I really wanted to just... enjoy this.

"Fair enough," Liza said with a slight shrug. I could feel her judging my character.

Samson wrapped his arm around me and tugged couch-wards. "Hey let's go plop down next to Darrel? I brought some drinks. You're not too smashed yet are you?"

"Not yet." I grinned. "You wanna come with, Liza?" This would be a good way to calm things down so I could get a bit more to drink and then go hang out with Motley.

She looked between us for a moment before giving a shrug. "Yea, alright. Still don't feel like dancin' so I may as well."

I started to walk over with them but I couldn't stop thinking about Dan. They were just having fun; I was sure of that... but making certain wouldn't hurt.

"Go on over and I'll catch up. I wanna talk to Andron really fast," I said before turning to try and find the cheetah. Luckily I ran into him on the way to the dining/dance room. He was actually making his way back to the kitchen.

"Hey, Andron," I said.

"Yo. What's up? I gotta get to the kitchen but walk with me!"

"Uh... sure," I said, deciding to try and make this fast. "You know what they're doing in the kitchen, right?"

"With Dan?"

I gave a nod.

"Uh-huh, it's nothing we haven't done before. You've seen it before, man."

"Well, yea-- you're right," I said as we entered the kitchen. "Just... wanted to make sure it's gonna be alright. I mean, you know how some people used to get a bit excited when we did it in the past."

"Awww come on, Naki. You can't be getting cold feet over this! It's a tradition."

"Cold feet over what?" The lizard from before asked, now carrying the ball between his scaled palms with Dan standing nervously in the center.

"Naki's worried about Dan," Andron chuckled. "Toss'er here, Trevor!"

The lizard lobbed the ball into the air and the squeak Dan made was more than audible. I couldn't help but cringe though I tried not to show it outwardly. Andron held the ball up to my face so I could see the little fox now trying to work his way back up onto his feet.

"You remember this, Naki. He'll be fine. Tell'em, Dan. You asked for this, didn't you?"

The fox stared at me again, ears lowered and tail-tucked. I wasn't unfamiliar with the look; the others had just about the same uncertain, fearful expression. It'd never been so personal, though. I mean, I'd never met Dan before tonight but as with the incident on Phalance's campus I couldn't help but imagine Fen in his place.

"Y-yea, I did..." Dan said quickly after a glance around the room. "J-just a little fun... heh. Heh...."

I watched him for a while before giving a light nod. I didn't believe him for one second but what else was I supposed to do? "Well, good. Just... making sure."

"You'll see'em out there soon, promise. Don't worry," Trevor stated. I shot him a glance before starting to walk around Andron.

"Alright, well... goodluck, I guess," I said, just wanting to get out of the kitchen now. I did remember to grab two drinks before I left, though. I was gonna need them. Someone must've switched the drinks up because these were filled with orange juice and vodka. I was already half through one by the time I made it to the couch.

"Hey guys," I said.

"We thought you were avoiding us, Naki," a muskrat named Thomas spoke up, giving a grin.

"Heh, sorry. I meant to come over and say 'hi' but got distracted." I sat in one of the free chairs they had moved over to the couch to accommodate more people. Samson and Liza were already in theirs so I ended up next to them. They were talking to another guy I knew from swimming named Gary about something, but just as I began to listen Darrel spoke up.

"Long time, Naki," Darrel said, holding a hand out. We'd never talked at length but had spoken before. His voice was always a little high-pitched and with a slight lisp-- I remember thinking he was gay in the past. I still don't know if he is.

"Yea, you too," I said, shaking his hand.

"I heard you're not swimming for Phalance."

"Nah, I gave up I guess. What about you? You on a college team now?"

"Nope," he said, reaching up to tap at his collar a little. "Admission was revoked after registration; Worcestsher didn't want Requorans. Gonna apply to Phalance this semester and see if they'll take me."

"Revoked? So you were admitted?"

"Yep. Got a letter the month before I'd have moved it. I won't lie; it sucked pretty bad."

"I bet. Well..., Phalance'll be better anyway. It has its issues but its been... well, I think its been pretty reasonable."

"Yea, I've been keeping up with the news. Pretty nasty what happened in November..."

"Thankfully it was the only big incident."

"True. Guess it just means we have to be careful walking around."

I gave a few nods, downing the last half of the first drink I'd grabbed. Finally I was starting to feel a strong buzz coming on-- a drink or two more would do it.

"Y'know if you do end up on Phalance you should look up RANF. Me and Motley are part of that."


"Yeaaaa," I said. "Requoran and Neotrian Friends. Name's kinda weird but it's a good group."

I started to become a little lightheaded and aloof; the feeling I was going for. I grabbed my drink again and sucked a bit more down.

"Sounds fun, I'll check'em out. Thanks, Naki."

"No problem," I said as I scanned the room. I kinda wanted to get up and do something, now. Dance floor seemed like a bad place but I thought maybe I could bug Motley. I was about to get up before I heard laughing coming from the other side of the room near the kitchen.

"What's going on over there?" Gary asked, the weasel shifting on the couch. I noticed a little ball rolling across the floor. I figured out who it was and visually confirmed it a moment later.

"It's Dan," I muttered.

"Heh, looks like they started," Thomas said.

"Classic," Darrel muttered gently. "Sounds like you've seen it happen before, Tom."

"Well, yea," the muskrat said. "We uh... we've watched in the past. It's usually harmless," he said, sounding a bit apologetic.

"I'm sure."

"Does anyone actually know the fox?" Liza asked.

"Yea," Gary answered. "Well, kinda. He's friends with Andron, Trevor, Larry, and those guys. Used to hang out with'em in school."

"I remember seeing him around," Samson said. "Never talked to the guy, though. Maybe Fen knows him."

"Maybe," I replied. I made a note to ask later. My mind was wavering, though. I imagine I was wobbling a bit as I've been told I do when inebriated.

"Funny thing is they knew him before Registration. Hard to imagine what he went through after that, huh?"

"Well just look at him," Liza said. "When Naki and I were in the kitchen he didn't seem that into the idea. Maybe deep down he's okay with it, but if I had to guess I'd say he's in a pretty sad spot right now."

We went quiet for a moment and just watched as people nudged and even gently kicked Dan's ball. He seemed able to keep up with the nudges but whenever someone kicked he'd fall over and roll partially with the ball. Luckily they gave him enough time to get up afterwards-- usually. I could see him trying to drive the ball away from people that seemed to enjoy kicking it but they could keep up easily enough. As much fun as I used to have with this I could feel the sight dampening my mood. I figured it was about time to get up and head to another room. Darrel was apparently in agreement.

"Well, I think I should head home. Was an interesting party and I'm glad I got to see you guys, Naki, Samson. If I end up at Phalance I'll look you up."

"Oh yea, you too. Good to see you, Darrel," I said, shaking his hand before Samson got up to do the same. I felt the alcohol on a whole new level when I stood. I wasn't unstable or anything, but I could definitely feel it.

"I hate to do this to you, Tom but..."

"Nono, yea, l get it. Let's just go; you're right. I don't think we wanna hang around too much longer." The muskrat got up and gathered his stuff and Gary followed suit.

"Good to see you two; don't be strangers whenever you're in town. We should hang out more," Gary said. "Nice to meet you, Liza."

"I'd be up for that," said Samson. "Take care, guys, have a safe trip! Goodluck, Darrel."

"Likewise!" Liza answered.

They shuffled towards the door, keeping clear of where Dan was rolling around.

"Later, guys," Thomas said, waving as they entered the entryway and headed towards the door.

"Yo," I heard as Motley walked over, grinning a little dopily and holding up a drink.

"Hey, big guy," Samson said, bumping fists before Motley walked over and pressed a hand to my shoulder.

"Havin' fun?"

"Not enough. Was about to head to the dining room."

"I just got from there. Gonna grab another drink and go back. Meet ya?" Motley asked.

"Sounds good," I said. "Coming, guys?" I asked Samson and Liza.

"I'm in. Lana's probably wondering where I'm at anyway."

"Imma go get a drink with Motley first," Samson said. "I'll find you two."

"Alright," I responded. Liza and I headed off to the dining room.

Samson and I took shots of the liquor he bought. I thought I was drinking well within my boundary but apparently not-- the rest of the night is a blurry agglomeration of memories I'm lucky enough to make chronological sense of.

We found Lana and I did end up dancing, though I kept away from the grinding. Luckily, Liza worked with me on that-- it was actually fun. I don't remember how long we were at it but I was out of breath and my muscles hurt-- that's when I kicked something a bit hard; it actually stung a little.

"Hahah, nice one, Naki!" I heard as I looked down to find Dan lying still within the ball. Ugh. I don't remember who shouted at me but I tried to approach and grab it; I was gonna let Dan out. Unfortunately, the wolf in the group, Larry, grabbed it up and walked away before I got over to it. 'When are they gonna let him out?' I remember thinking to myself. I watched him walk away and contemplated going after but the dizziness was getting to me and I didn't want any drama that night.

I went back to Motley and Samson taking shots with one another while Liza stayed on the floor with her friends. I plopped on a chair next to Samson, settled in front of the table him and Motley were setting shots up on.

"You don't look so good, man!" Samson shouted over the music.

"One too many shots, I think," I shouted back-- or something to that effect.

"You're out of practice," Motley taunted with a little grin.

"Yea yea, not like we had much of a chance to do this kinda thing at Phalance."

"True enough," he responded with a slight sigh. "Not that it's a bad thing."

"Not havin' fun?" Samson asked.

"Oh no, I'm havin' fun. Mostly with you guys and a handful of others, though," he responded. I just listened for now. "Ready for the next round?"

"Oh yea, hit me!"

I wasn't sick but I was definitely not happy. Alcohol normally made me more social but this time around I felt less. I mean, I had fun on the dance floor for the most part though Ryan, Larry, Trevor and others were being obnoxious; particularly to Dan. I expected it from Larry but not Ryan. I began to think that maybe that's what was bugging me-- on top of the alcohol. I didn't really want to be part of this mess but I couldn't avoid them.

"You need some water?" Samson asked.

"Maybe-- I'll just go get some," I said, standing up and shifting from behind the table. My foot must've swept beneath it and caught a little Requoran hiding because I remember hearing a squeak. Before I could react, though, my paw came down and my weight shifted until I heard an audible *POP*. Something thrashed frantically under me and I could only pray to God it wasn't what I knew it had to be. My foot lifted, the Requoran squealed, and then darted off to try and escape. It only got a few feet before collapsing, though. I panicked a little while Motley stood up, walked over, and lowered himself to examine the creature. My worry turned into anger about the time I noticed a tag around the Requoran's leg; this was another one of their games. One I'd played before, granted, but one I wasn't playing today. That was the last straw for me. I was done-- I couldn't do it anymore. Motley collected the rabbit up and I marched over to Andron with the badger not far behind me.

"Oh! You found him!" Andron grinned as he saw the creature Motley was trying to care for in his palms.

"Yea, and I damn near killed him," I shouted, causing more than a few people to turn and look at us. I didn't care at that point.

"Look, man... this is just fuckin' stupid-- this whole thing you do with them. Yea, I know we did it when we were in highschool but that's 'cause we didn't know any better! They're people, alright? Goddamn people. This isn't just some game to them! I mean... look at Dan! He's fuckin' terrified! And what'd you do to this one? Get'em drunk and have him run around the dance floor? Just for a fuckin' laugh? See who kills him first!?" I started getting a little antsy as I went on and the room grew quieter. Before long I figured I should just go.

"Look... I'm done. I can't sit here and watch this. If you think this is funny you need to grow up," I growled-- at least that's what I remember saying. I wanted to yell so much more but the words weren't coming and everyone was staring so I just twisted around and left the room in a dizzy huff. Soon enough I was outside, letting the cool air help me sober up. I guess I got what I was looking for-- a party to remind me of the old days. Turns out it's not what I wanted, though.

"You alright?" Motley asked a few minutes later; he'd come out with Samson. Both of them had their stuff with them.

"Yea," I said, sighing. "I just can't be in there anymore."

"Yea, I'm with you there. Was nice seein' old faces but... I dunno. Guess things're a bit different now. Little guy didn't have a collar on so I don't think he's even supposed to be here; can't call the police. Andron said he'd patch'em up, though. Can only hope that's true."

"I hope he'll be alright," I said, feeling a bit worse now. I considered going back to demand Andron give the micro to me but... I couldn't work up the nerve. "I dunno what I was hoping for. I mean, what'd I expect them to do?"

"That's why Lor said she wasn't coming. Said there'd be too many kids at the party," Samson chuckled. "I dunno, there're some cool people here. Kinda wish we could just move them to another spot."

"You guys don't have to leave 'cause of me," I muttered.

"We're not," Motley replied. "We're leaving because that's what we should do. Andron's being a bit of a dick and even Ryan isn't himself. I'll see'em later. Maybe."

"Well, thanks anyway. Glad someone agrees with me. Still, sucks we couldn't just enjoy this. I was having fun at first." The cold air seemed to help my focus. Not as woozy or dizzy as I was inside.

"It's not that big of a deal," Samson said. "I haven't seen you flip out like that in a long time, though. Props for that. Wish I got it on video."

"Thanks, Sam." I smirked.

A huge group walked out of the door suddenly and started shuffling past us. I noticed a few glances and only realized it was Lana's group when Liza stopped next to me.

"You feelin' okay?" she asked, standing next to me for a moment.

I gave a nod. "Yea, I'm fine. You guys leaving?"

"Yea," she said, looking over at Lana for a moment. "I don't care much for what they're doing in there; convinced Lana to settle for a bar or something-- I doubt we'll be out much longer either way."

"Sorry," I said.

"No no, honestly? You were right on. They were being idiots. Look, I work downtown during the days at a coffee shop. It's pretty calm most of the time-- and I get off around five. If you ever find yourself in the area gimme a call whether I'm at work or not. Wouldn't mind hanging out again sometime," she said as she wrote her number on a small piece of paper.

"You comin', Liza?" Lana shouted as the group moved away.

"Yea, yea, gimme a sec!" she shouted back.

"I... sure," I said. "I'll call, don't worry. It'll be nice to talk somewhere less crazy, huh?"

"Def. Was nice meeting you guys, too. Be sure to come with him, alright?" Liza said as she walked the rest of the way down the stairs to catch up with Lana.

"Take care, Liza!" Samson shouted. Motley just gave a wave.

"How do you meet all of the girls? You're not even straight," Samson muttered.

"Don't worry, I'm still getting as much as you."


"Exactly." I chuckled. "You want a ride home, Sammy?"

"Yea, that'd be nice. Beats walking around this place anyday."

Samson was the first to get dropped off. I drove slowly since I was inebriated, not that that made it any better.

"Remember when we went out to the park?"

"That was fun," I said. "Tom getting thrown from the swingset trying to jump off; running and swimming races; all that food... hah, I wish we could do it again."

"We could! Just... maybe be a bit more selective about who comes," Samson muttered.

"Yeeea. I don't wanna count those guys out but the kind of stuff they were up to tonight isn't gonna fly," Motley said.

"Especially not with Fen," I replied.

"Dude, he'd have a fit!" Samson chuckled. "I'd pay to see that."

"No." I snapped, grinning. We pulled up to Samson's house and he started to climb out.

"Thanks, Naki! Later, Motts! All in all it was pretty cool; we gotta hang out more."

"Yea, we do. We'll have to get you over to our dorm more often," I said.

"You know you can just come when you wanna," Motley muttered.

"Yea but you guys are always gone half the day! We'll figure it out. Later!"

"Take care, Sammy," Motley said. I pulled back out of Samson's driveway and started towards Motley's house.

"Let's not tell Fen about this for a while," I said as we drove.

"I wasn't gonna. Not like I ever see him when I'm not around you anyway."

"True," I said. "How've things been at home?"

He looked at me for a moment; I guess he was considering his words but I couldn't see his face too well for staring at the road. "Well... after what happened b'fore school started they have ta go to rehab. I didn't really talk much to'em over the semester but when I got back things seemed okay."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that much. Mom and Dad are doing Christmas dinner this year; you should come and bring them with you."

"We'll see," he responded. "Honestly? Don't know if I wanna be seen in public with'em."

I cringed slightly as we pulled up to his house. "Well, even if they don't come, -you- should come. You know Mom would demand it if she knew what happened."

"Heh, yea, you're right. Well, count me in; shouldn't pass up good food and company."

"Agreed," I said. "And... thanks. I didn't really think you and Samson were gonna come out. I was planning on going back in and settling in a corner or something after I cooled off."

"Pulling a Fen?"

I chuckled. "Yea, pulling a Fen. Seriously, though. Thanks."

"No need, you're a good guy, Naki. After you left everyone was kinda dumbfounded. I was impressed. Too bad about the Requoran; maybe I shouldn't have given him back but I don't really have a place for him here. Hope Andron keeps his word."

"Mmhm, and I hope it never happens again. Parties are for fun, not drama." I yawned a little and rubbed over my head with a paw; I'm getting a headache-- guessing tomorrow morning won't be fun.

"Well, take care, Naki. Have a g'night," the badger stated with a wave before he climbed out of the car and walked the tattered trail leading up to his home. The house had seen better days but what house in this neighborhood hasn't?

I made it home safely to find everyone sleeping already. The light of my cellphone guided me to my bed but Khole's box was gone when I checked my mattress. For a moment, I panicked. Did something happen? I shined the light over the room before shifting it to shine over Nathan-- which is where I found Khole's box with Khole passed out inside. Phew. It was good that they were getting along so well. It brought a smile to my face. I undressed and climbed into my bed to pass out but not before putting a few reminders into my phone. I wanted to ask Fen about Dan and remember to call Liza at some point. I prayed wouldn't have a hangover the next morning-- but that prayer wouldn't be answered.