page 5

The next morning I awoke to soft giggling. I rolled over "Murr whats so funny?" I grumbled. "Oh nothing. Just had a funny dream." He snickered. "What about?" "Oh. You really wanna hear?" He asked. The way he said it made me realize that I...

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you cant straighten what you cant unbend (poem)

When I hold you close under the stars It reminds me my heart isn't stuck behind bars no longer tied in iron schackles and every time we kiss my heart crackles and when you whisper "i love you" my feelings for you are anew whenever I am feeling...

my life (page 1)

As I look in the night sky I seem to forget about everything. I forget about how my parents bug the ever living days out of me about every little thing they could think of. I forget about how my girlfriend and I are slowly drifting apart, and for some...