page 5
The next morning I awoke to soft giggling. I rolled over "Murr whats so funny?" I grumbled.
"Oh nothing. Just had a funny dream." He snickered.
"What about?"
"Oh. You really wanna hear?" He asked.
The way he said it made me realize that I probably didn't want to but because I was still groggy from just waking up I wasn't thinking straight (Ha ha funny pun I know) "Sure."
"Well," he said snickering to himself, "all I will say is that you were in it."
My tail stopped dead and my ears shot straight up when he said that. "What was I doing?" I asked, fearing the worst, but right at that moment the nurse walked in. Cursing the nurses horrid timing I reluctantly put my questions on hold as she gave us breakfast and did her nursly duties. I couldn't stop worrying that he knew what I did in the bathroom. "Shit shit shit shit," I thought to myself, "he knows he knows. God dammit why couldn't I just wait till I went to take a shower or something." Just then the nurse finished up with me and went to go over to Sid. She didn't take his vitals or whatever, instead she helped him get out of bed and into a wheel chair. "Whats going on?" I asked as she took the brake off and started moving.
"I have to take Mr. Pounce here to get a few more x-rays and run some more tests. Mr. Pounce might have some internal hemorrhaging."
At that my ears shot straight up. "Oh stop it Carol. Your scaring him." He said, looking at her.
"He will be fine," she chuckled, "just running some x-rays to see if his bones are setting right."
"Here," Sid said as he tossed me a book, "why don't you read that while I'm gone. Who knows what you could learn just by reading a book."
Before I had a chance to ask what he meant by that he was already gone. I turn over the book and read the back
One wolf, one otter, one love.
The wolf has nothing to lose.
The otter has everything to gain.
The wolf has to gain his pride back.
But the question is which will he pick
Love or Pride?
"Huh. Sounds interesting." I said out loud as I flipped it open to the first page.
"What sounds interesting?" Said a big, built white tiger as he walked in.
"Martin! What are you doing here?" I asked as the tiger bent down and gave me a quick hug. I couldn't help but notice the tight black shirt he wore showed off his muscles and brought out the gold in his eyes.
"Oh you know, hit on old ladies, eat hospital food, and wheel around in wheel chairs." As he said this I knew that he was in fact going to highjack a wheel chair at some point and take it for a spin. "In fact I think I will do one now." He said as he plopped down into the wheel chair that was by my bed. "So the teacher gave me these to give to you." He said as he tossed a manilla folder toward me.
"So what has the world been doing since my absence?" I asked as I opened the folder.
"Nothing really. Oh, guess what happened today."
"What?" I asked as I threw the folder aside, and looked at what was in it.
"You know Jason Corsin?" I nodded "Well today he finally stuck up for himself and beat the shit out of Steven."
"What? No way." I said as I tried to imagine the tiny little rabbit beating the crap out of the big bull. I couldn't.
"Yea it was insane." He said putting an emphasis on the last word.
"Damn I wish I was there."