Time Measure Money
What time is it. See that? He checked his watch. He asked it what time it is, and it told him. And without question or quarrel, without ponder, he believed it. A machine and a human being, working together. But that system doesn't end quite so...
Cindre's Speech
"Oh shit.." "What." "Cindy.." I cannot be bought by your money. What good is your dead, dyed sheaf of tree husk to me. What difference does a bank account hold to an alien. I'm immune to your drugs, disinterested in your women. I hold no account of...
Huge Invisible
Huge. Invisible. The Neutrino Rain - Particles interact in different ways. Light bounces around rapidly, protons and neutrons stick and sloth around, and neutrinos wizz passed everything. They are produced in enormous amounts, by the depths of the...
A Holo
As you touch the perella, imagery whirls into view, hovering over the tiny gem. A diminutive blue and white lape girl appears from the warbling vision, eyes flickering from colour to colour, standing awkwardly. The recording settles, solidifying at...
Chapter 3 - Aces - The Acetica Many have asked me about the things that I am able to do. In this chapter I will attempt to explain the details of my aces, free from ego or superstition. Almost all Symbians are endowed with aces, which are quite...
Her nose twitched. Holding her breath, chest beating like a drum, the tiny rabbit clutched her ears and stood stock still. The racket in just the other room rung out all the same. Rattling, the occasional smash, she could see shadows move under the...