Blacklisted Chapter 2: Revelations
The day was sunny and bright, a nice day to do anything. Swim at a friend's pool, play football at the park, escape from a prisoner transport. Anything is possible on this day, including escaping from prisoner. Now back to Vince. Vince was slowly...
Blacklisted Chapter 1: Memories
California state prison is home to some of the world's dangerous criminals. The inmates do not mess around, most of them having serious charges. Some of murder, some of assault with a deadly weapon, hell even some with multiple charges. The inmates...
Poem: Lost
Lost: Last night I dreamt about you, about the love we lost The love I suffered for so much, and know i'm lost You told me you love me, but you cheated behind my back. That is why our love failed You may not know how much I loved you, but I...
The D Virus: Chapter 1 (Rough draft)
The D virus. A virus that affects the city, state, and even the world. It is like rabies, passed on by contact with infected such as a bite or scratch. It is also transferred by blood. The virus turns those infected into mindless and bloodthirsty...
Goodbye: Before I go, give me a kiss I know I'll be dreaming about your coming back My life will no be the same Now that your gone How could I forget you? I know you told me That love exists And that it's power Makes...
The D Virus (Preview WIP)
(Here is something I was working on, but I put it on pause for a while. Now i'm coming back to it and actually making it. Its not finished so I will take some time to write it. Its basically zombie survival story. Please add comments on suggestions,...