Digimon: about time we met

It all started one fine morning were tsume and dorumon an lunamon was exploring the digital world . Its been a long day for tsume seeing that she and Jake got ride of myotismon with the help of tai and the other's . After the fight tsume just wanted to...

air gear rise of a new fire

Once upon a time a teen boy name vex wanted to become an air gear rider ,so vex and his brother tetsuo planed on being the best , the two of them was at his house watching t.v. and got bored from his sister melody bugging them so they thought about...


the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire part 2

the king was shocked to see the princes of ice here. king:Your Majesty I mean...what are you doing? tsume: well, I ,to make a long story short I actually came here to see the wedding, but I actually came here to stop it king: but why? why have you...

the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire

once upon a time live the boy name vex , vex lived in a fire village that is unknown to the human race. on vex 20th birthday he soon was chosen next in line to become the next Fire King. his father told him how to rule with an iron fist but do not use...

digimon: its about time we meet

" I was hoping she would tell me... but she says im a digidestion. But what is a digidestion?" " not many kids a picked for this task , the reason why you were chosen was because of your courage. " " my courage what do you mean?" " not only were you...


digimon: its about time we meet

"Tsume rolled over to the side facing away from wizardmon " I didn't run my mouth he started it, he thinks just because he's a knight he can order me around. I wish they would just get rid of him" she said in anger " now tsume let's not say something...


digimon: its about time we meet

he Didn't want to ask, her digimon was very nice, they got along fine with sunmon . As they were done with collecting the fruit they headed back to cherrymon still saw tsume sleeping and so was cherrymon " this tree sure likes to sleep " vex said with...


digimon: its about time we met

" I would love to stay and talk to you guys, but like I said I cant, now if you would be so kind into moving I promise I will make this as painless as possible " tsume said as she got to fighting position " you may be a princess but that doesn't mean...

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the prince of fire and princess of ice: new love

Last time vex was free to marry whoever he wanted as he wanted to marry tsume, once he was given that chance the two of them became husband and wife but... Over 2 years of being together tsume at 2 divorce him not because you wanted to but because of...

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Fire and ice mafia

It happened when vex became of age where his father wanted him to run the ashimora organization but he thought his son could use the help from a maiden, his father met with a man name hut who had a mafia from the West of them as they were from the...

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The new boy on the block

It was one early morning in pork belly When Johnny and his dog dukey spotted A moving truck down the block seeming That there was a new kid moving in a new House so johnny and dukey decided to walk down the block just to see who are the new neighbors...

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my new beginning

" I was hoping she would tell me... but she says im a digidestion. But what is a digidestion?" " not many kids are picked for this task , the reason why you were chosen was because of your courage. " " my courage what do you mean?" " not...

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