the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire part 2
#2 of the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire
the king was shocked to see the princes of ice here.
king:Your Majesty I mean...what are you doing?
tsume: well, I ,to make a long story short I actually came here to see the wedding, but I actually came here to stop it
king: but why? why have you come to do that?
tsume: sir ,I know that you and my people are not very close, but it has come to my conclusion that I have fallen for your son.
the king was shocked and the crowd gasp again.
faiya: oh , will you stop it with the gasping , its not that shocking.
yelled faiya sugar laughed and so did Lita ,
king: is this true
vex: yes father I have fallen in love with the princes of ice. sorry father I wanted to please you but I guess you're disappointed in me,
king: me disappointed in my son, no I'm just surprised said the King . you pick who you want to marry and whoever you marry i will still love you.
crowd: aw
faiya: oh for the love of pie cake and cheesecake get a grip
king: well if you're going to marry her what about cherry ,
as vex look back at her he saw cherry really really mad. King Hut walked up to vex and look at him and said
king hut: you were promise to marry my daughter not the princess of ice , yes I know but I fallen out of love with your daughter .
vex: I hope you can forgive me princess cherry but you are not the one I wish to marry
said vex and with that he walked up to tsume and said
vex: will you marry me ?
tsume smiled and nod everyone clapped and they got married and live happily ever after the end