perfume - poem

Oh what have we become You and me were together once so happy and young Have you ever lost something so precious that could never be replaced But only to be found years later, when its value has gone to waste Now all we have left is bittersweet...

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my venom - poem

your lips taste of poison but your words sound so sweet You are my venom snake so sink me with your teeth Tear into my flesh and let me feel you deep Bite me hard and let me feel you drain Into my blood and pour into my veins

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pretty ribbons - poem

We weren't made of pretty ribbons We weren't a happy thing We were a tied up mess A relationship made of string Loose buttons and badly sewn Barley hanging by a thread Though little had I known Our relationship was already dea

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tortured artist - poem

I was an artist and i loved you like you were my canvas Thoughtful intentions Time dedicated Precious moments spent together They never last forever although we made messes I loved your imperfections I saw beauty in your everything not for...

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graveyard men - poem

They say they meet in graveyards where the leaves crunch and crumble where the men meet under the moonlight rumored has it to drink and mumble Down the sidewalk they'll come Paving their path in groups treading along the walk, footsteps heavy in...

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paper hearts - poem

Paper hearts lead to paper cuts Designed to bleed others dry Hearts of glass break so easily Made to fall apart and cry Hearts of glass are so sensitive, gentle While paper hearts are careless, unkind Hearts of glass must be strong to keep from...

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self perception - poem

If only I could show you If only you could see If only you knew I want you to believe You are better than whatyou know What you think and see Better than the self you perceive to be

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dont read those

A finger lifts to flip the page. Upon reading many others, he takes notices of a common theme among them. Love letters. He feels his heart sigh, and a second hopeful thought that maybe these could be written about him, fills his stomach with...

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burn to dirt

The imagery clouding his head brings tears to his eyes. Blood, pouring through the fields of their home, seeps to the dirt beneath him. Bodies, piled afar, lit up on firey flames, screech his name, and he knows who they are. He can only find himself...

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the drowning

Sometimes he likes to pretend he is drowning. On nights like these everything is awful and at the same time peacefully the end of the world. Being dead, there is no worry, and all the problems, are easy to forget. When under the waters, eyes closed,...

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