dont read those

Story by Gothetik on SoFurry

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#3 of dreamworld

Ocs featured:



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A finger lifts to flip the page. Upon reading many others, he takes notices of a common theme among them. Love letters.

He feels his heart sigh, and a second hopeful thought that maybe these could be written about him, fills his stomach with butterflies.

Has this been love, the entire time?

Feeling slide of a hand over his wrist, his eyes move upward to the beautiful four eyed creature.

"Don't read those." Clydan, obvious embarrassment in his tone, tries not to show it in his eyes.

Dreamily, Rhue smiles, ignoring that the papers are removed from his hold. "Don't ya worry. I'm just thinking its kinda" and he dares say it. "Cute."

Clydan, ears perk, all four of his eyes wide, lightens up a look that Rhue has no other words to describe: extra adorable.