My Nightmare
WARNING: This story is practically the polar opposite of all my other ones, anywhere you felt happy and inspired in the others, you'll only feel sad and depressed in this one. So if you read it, don't yell at me for it, it was only a dream I had after...
Yesterday was Rough
My day started as it usually does, me being up at 5am to run a few miles around the neighborhood. I loved the way the chilly air felt as the sun was rising. The change from sun-warmed fur to a cold, wind-swept coat was oddly intriguing. By the...
The Blessing of Siblings (Incomplete!)
I looked up to where I thought was the source of the voice that had been buzzing around in my ears. "Gore....Gore! Are you okay!?" All I could see was this enormous, cloudy haze that seemed to move and swirl in on itself. My insides felt like they...