Nothing Otter

Wend was skeptical the moment Luke professed his extreme love of sushi. He didn't profess it verbally as much as show it while eating at every meal and mid-meal snack. And it was just the way he fed upon it. "Ravenously" was the only word that properly...

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"Watch it move, watch it learn, watch it do its little dance across the floor." "I'm not sure I would call it a dance," Triss commented. "A scientist can be poetic in their descriptions," Howard said, placing a hand over his heart. "You must...

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The Incredible Shrinking Fox

"This place is so cool, can't wait to show you!" The raccoon practically bounced with excitement as he waved his ID card over the sensor, the door unlocking. "Are you sure this is fine?" Atimist asked, the yellow furred fox looking around, eying a...

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