Chapter 1 - The World's New Hope.

Just as the sun began to light the morning sky I awoke to the sound of a whimpering cry. Groggily, I sat up and rubbed the crust from my eyes as I looked towards the sound. It turned out to be my new Riolu friend, Kylee. She was crying into her paws...

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Picking up the pieces

I must thank you all again for being so patient and supportive of me and as always I look forward to your comments and reviews of this chapter. Enjoy, and I appologize for the lack of intimacies in this chapter. It just didn't feel right to have the...

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Luca Epilogue

The years passed quickly in our new home. It wasn't that the year was shorter in the past, rather it was simply how well our lives seemed to fall into place. Within a week, we had a hut of our own, though we've remodeled a few times over...

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Luca's Evolution & Tournament

We continued our travels for about a year with nothing of real importance happening. Luca had become much stronger and now knew many more attacks. Lady had continued to get stronger as well, but since she was already really strong it was slower going...

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Family or Family...?

"I'm glad I found you." I said half cheerfully, but I was met with sad looks from both of them. "I guess you know what happened then..." I said as my voice sank. "Yes..." Lucario said as he looked up at me with a stern look, but much to my relief...


The Long Road Home

A short run later and Kail finally caught sight of me at the edge of a pond. I was staring down at the water in front of me as I sat sadly on the shore. I had only been there for a few seconds before I heard Kail stop at the edge of the woods, but I...

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Rescued At Last...

"Felix I don't think we should attack this facility." Kail said to me as we hung out in the pokemon center one day. We had been traveling for eleven weeks and still hadn't found any trace of Luca. Between my wave guiding abilities with Luca and Kail's...

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Home Once Again

The next morning I woke up first. I opened my eyes to see Luca sleeping peacefully next to me. I was close enough to her that I could lean over and kiss her with out disturbing her with my movements, so I kissed her lightly on her forehead. She moaned...


A Grunt's Revenge

We eventually came across another big city, unfortunately it didn't have a gym, but we decided to have a bit of fun anyway. I treated everyone to a nice lunch and dinner while we explored, but none of us realized our arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. We...

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Heading Home

After about half a day of sailing we saw the mainland coast. Shortly after we saw the coast a coast guard vessel intercepted us and asked what we were doing out here. We explained ourselves and they gladly gave us an escort to the docks behind the...

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Contest Disaster

The next day we set out to get supplies for our next trip. Leaving the current city was defiantly for the best. No matter where we went I could tell we were getting strange looks and many of the trainers were avoiding us. I didn't mind the absence of...

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A Rare Gift

Just so everyone knows. In no way do I represent the pokemon franchise. This is just a story I was inspired to write when I realized how much I like Riolu and Lucario characters. Though I don't intend for this story to be like the others posted I feel...

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