Forgotten Gods Epilogue: Spark of Life
**Forgotten Gods** **_Epilogue: Spark of life_** _ _ _Scream._ _ _ _Gone. Heart's eternal flutter-pulse, bone's steadily immortal framework. Skein of skin and fur, enfolding and enveloping, protecting always, always. To be is to live._ _ _ _A...
Forgotten Gods Part 2: Risen From The Depths
**Forgotten Gods** **A Commission for little Lyca** _Part 2: Risen From The Depths_ _ _ _"Flesh"? Why in the world had she thought that word? Jess swallowed, and took another step forward, words lining up on her tongue now: to say No, wait, leave...
Balance of Power Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity
**Balance of Power** **_More of a commission for Pipfox_** **Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity** Bright. Hot, bright light, flooding him. Overflowing with it. "Mmm..." Josh tried to brush the squinting harshness away, turning to bury his...
Lord and Master (Goldeneye's backstory) - Part 1: Coalesce
**Lord and Master: the Birth of a Shard.** **Part 1: Coalesce** Come on then. Sit - would you like to sit against my feathers? The position is extremely comfortable, I can assure you. And of course, you'd have no trouble hearing my words... ...
Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse
**Forgotten Gods** **A Commission for little Lyca.** _Patience._ _ _ _Silent darkness below. Rippling light, stained green by the water's murky caress, encased him around and above._ _ _ _No sound here, cocooned in the cool waters. No...
The Taste Of Terror Chapter 1: First Sight
THE TASTE OF TERROR **Chapter 1: First Sight** "Hello, Alex." The voice was low, gentle...and utterly terrifying. Alex's lungs ballooned with air as he tried to scream, his legs kicking wildly as he struggled to get up from the tree against which he...
The World of Actura (Worldbuilding)
**The World of Actura** _In the beginning, there was..._ And that is the problem. Because up until just over two thousand years ago, there was apparently no-one in the world to know the answer. The history of the world of Actura began at precisely...
Playing God: A Prologue Of Sorts: Born In Sin
PLAYING GOD A Prologue of Sorts: Born in Sin _(Excerpted from the case notes of Dr Fabian Newton (Barn owl, 52), noted clinical psychologist specialising in insanity-related cases. Newton was assigned to interview the notorious serial murderer...
Playing God Part 7: No Matter The Cost
PLAYING GOD Part 7: No Matter The Cost Grey. Concrete grey. Pain. The gritty surface warped before his eyes, slipping in and out of focus. Slowly, he dragged his gaze down slightly, towards his body. It hurt. Of course it did. Everything...
Playing God Part 6: Unfinished Business (Vore)
PLAYING GOD Part 6: Unfinished Business And there she was. Passing through the sunlit St Jaeger's Park as she walked home, holding her satchel-bag close to her: face drawn and quietly fearful, tail, ringed and delectably long, twitching...
Playing God Part 4: Takes One To Know One
PLAYING GOD Part 4: Takes One To Know One What does a man think, in his final hours? What does he ponder while watching his last seconds of life tick patiently away? What grim and terrible thoughts run through his mind, as he contemplates the...
Playing God Part 3: Crime and Punishment
PLAYING GOD Part 3 - Crime and Punishment This was it. Some of them were packing the streets; waiting for hours to catch the merest fumbled glimpse of him. Some were half-way across the world, watching through the cold mechanical eyes of...