Partners in Crime
**Chapter 1** * * * **A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first Alpha and Omega fanfic. This story is an alternate ending where Kate _had_ married Garth. So this is what I think might have happened if she had. Hope you all like it.** Humphrey was...
Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 10
**Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 10** "So you two are both gonna be dads?" Falco said to Fox and Slippy while they were trying to figure out how to get the cell door open. They were currently trying to break a panel off the wall next to the door to see if...
Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9
**Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9** A few days passed since Fox proposed to Katt. They agreed they would wed after this battle and the threat of the Amphibian Empire was dealt with. Now, Fox sat in an Amphibian Imperial attack craft with his hands bound...
Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8
Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8 A lot happened the following week. Fox and Katt told everyone the news that she was pregnant. As it turns out, Amanda was pregnant too. She was overjoyed to find out Katt was also pregnant because now she didn't have to be the...