Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 6 - The In-Betweener
Mark lay there, waiting for Daniel to either leave or fall asleep, the latter happening first. He slowly got up and got dressed. He stood by the window, looking out onto the city, hoping to be able to find something to distract him from his world,...
Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia 2 - The Beginning and The End
Four days. Mark has been wandering blindly through the barren hell that was his home for four days now. At first positivity was his main concern. He knew he'd go crazy if he became negative and depressed, but this soon evapourated as the entirety of...
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)
"Oh for fucks sake..."Fuck sake, fuck sake, fuck sake! God damned FUCKING door!" He threw his entire body at the metal door, or what he thought was the metal door, trying to escape the cold and the dark of this metal tomb. After beating his paws...