Home Team

_There's always that one guy..._ * * * It was a fine Sunday morning and Jesse the bear was walking to his neighborhood grocery store. As was his tradition, he wore the brown-and-white jersey of his favorite team. He was looking forward to a lazy day...

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Rules of the Game

"Come on, cat, we're gonna be late!" the tan-haired teenaged dog said while he hurriedly tied the laces on one of his sneakers. His friend, a cat with white fur and orange spots, sat across from him on a locker room bench. The feline sneered at him...

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"Brace yourself, my dear!" the gentlewolf yelled to his mistress as the airship began to slowly list to one side. In response, Muffy reached to grab onto a large pipe that was near to her, but the arctic fox woman immediately released it due to its...

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All's Well That Ends Well

Life after the Final War wasn't easy, but folks got along as best they could in the dusty lands that had once been called North Texas. Before the bombs had dropped for the last time, jackalopes had been known as fictional creatures, but thanks to the...

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"Bedtime" a Sonic The Hedgehog Fanfic

It was a quiet evening as the children of the orphanage puttered about in their sleeping quarters. In just over an hour, Janet, the matron, would announce lights-out, tuck them into their beds, and another day in Knothole would be over. A dozen...

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A Wintertime Warning

The cold air condensed in front of the young leopard male's mouth and the snow crunched beneath his feet as he walked along the plain. He reached the top of a small hill, then stopped and placed a paw to his forehead in an attempt to shield his eyes...

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The brown bear was on the verge of tears as he pleaded with a blue cat in a lab coat; the bear stared at the floor while he spoke. "I can't do it, Doc. I just can't do it. I'm weak, and I know I need help, but I just can't give it up. I'm sorry." ...

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A Walk In The Park

A father walked through a city park, as his daughter ran ahead of him towards a large statue at the top of a hill. Reaching the statue first, the child slowly looked the statue over from bottom to top, craning her head back to do so. "Wowww." She said...

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A Thoughtful Gesture

It was wintertime in the forest. A layer of snow lay on the ground and more slowly fell from the grey sky. A pair of rabbits, a male and a female, sat in a thick bush and carefully peered through its branches at a wolf that lay on a tree stump some...

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Poker Face

It was a sweltering August afternoon as AJ Gunner arrived in the small town of Watonga, Oklahoma. The dingo exited the train station and began walking down the town's main concourse. AJ had sand-colored fur, stood about six feet tall and wore a pair of...

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The Tell-Tale Tie

Chris the Watchfur was a real stinker. As if being a skunk wasn't enough, he was one of the ne'er do wells that lurked the streets of Reno looking for pockets to pick and purses to snatch. His nickname came because of the silver pocket watch he always...

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The Best Job in the World

A middle-aged man wearing black slacks and a white button-down shirt stood in front of a row of vending machines. He wore an identification card that bore the logo of the Wild Worlds theme park and "Bernard Olson, Accounting" in bold letters underneath...

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