Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 32

XXXII Ka' Mu-Naka's Story (Day 277 on Tashoo) A dream. A wonderful, colorful dream. Tyarza is back, the beautiful woman with blue-blond hair and yellow in blue eyes. She is smiling and laughing. Her brown lips stretched open revealing pearly...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 30

XXX The Ka'yno Threatens Me . . . Again (Day 234 on Tashoo) Another restful night. Another wonderful dream. In this one, I'm in the middle of a quiet meadow sitting on an orange and yellow checkered cloth. Besides me, on the cloth is a...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 25

XXV Returning Home (Day 191 on Tashoo) I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I came to, I saw a most frightful sight. Kyna was fighting, with sword and claw only, a Chakootoa, the most dangerous herbivorous animal on all of Tashoo....

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 31

XXXI Playing Tricks on the Spies (Day 234 on Tashoo) Tyarza and I worked steadily until lunch, during this whole time the warrior never moved from where he was standing and continually stared at us. I was tempted more than once to look at him,...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 28

XXVIII Summoned Again (Day 212 on Tashoo) It has been quiet these last ten days or so. I haven't experienced any kind of nightmare. I have been able to sleep and awaken completely rested. That is, until tonight. Tonight another damnable...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 27

XXVII No Longer a Slave (Day 202 on Tashoo) The next morning, Chy and I were up and about before Ara; we went into the kitchen so I could prepare his breakfast. While I was preparing Chy's breakfast, I went ahead and started preparing...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 26

XXXVI Katoo's Midnight Visit (Day 201 on Tashoo) Sleep. Wonderful, restful sleep. A hard day working deserves a nice pleasant night of sleep. Sleep punctuated with dreams; pleasant, wonderful, enjoyable dreams. Dreams with a beautiful...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 13

XIII Explaining My Idea (Day 109 on Tashoo) (Morning) It seems to me that every time I have a nightmare, there is some stress in my life right after the nightmare. The fact that almost every day is stressful seems to be irrelevant. The...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12

XII The Verdict of the Aka' (Day 108 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) An hour later, after the nakyvo, Rora and I were ushered back into the Ishoo'se Choko Aka'ny and the questioning resumed. Finally, after three more hours of questioning, the Ka'yno...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 10

X The Ka'yno threatens Rora (Day 49 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) A short while later, I heard someone scratching on the door of my room. I answered the door and saw Ara standing there. She said, "Mvilu, Kyna is here. He says that he would answer any...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 9

**IX** **Kerga Tyarza** **(Day 49 on Tashoo)** **(Morning)** I am having another nightmare. I haven't had one in several days. What's causing them? What do they mean? Why do they seem so real? They seem to be reminiscences of things I've...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 21

XXI The Ka'yno Returns (Day 145 on Tashoo) The next morning, we finished off the meal that Ara had cooked for us the previous night, as is the norm for the Mory people. After the nakyvy, I went to my room and got ready to go to work. When I came...

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