Last Chance

If someone would be my saviour, It would have been you, Darkness will take me, Where I belong, Thank you my friend, For ending me, For stopping me, When I couldn't stop myself, Now finish me, Before I can finish you, Be done with it, Grant...

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Tears in a Vial

The still moving mechanical arm, With the blood covered razorblade, The remaining tools, The stench of the work bench, Only hint towards the cries of agony and pain, That echoed through the metal halls, Now weakly, An organic heart beating, Not...

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The tendrils creep further, Piercing my skin, Entering my tissues, I can hiss, Scream, Claw at it, Swear, Once again, The nanite alloy, Has spread further, Once more the hollow feeling, Has transformed me further, Claiming my other...

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A wry Epiphany

When the hallowed grounds are breached, And the blood starts to stain the sacred earth, A waste starts to spread slowly, Creeping underneath my skin, Making me aware that the things I hold dear, Are merely illusions, the shades of gray, That...



Time, Even the slightest motion of the air can disturb the water, The ripples will travel slow but steadily, Until you finally become aware, That you are not the same as you were back then... Motivations are now aggravations, What was wise has...



Time stands still, Almost like being paralyzed, Drowning in that sweet sensation, Letting myself being dragged down further, Into that endless lovingly turmoil, The honey sweet taste, Of your lips

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Part 4: The broken world

_Dawn, the event that changed the course of destiny of a once prosperous world. The year was 2130 when she struck, a meteorite. The meteorite wasn't large enough to cause that much damage on itself, and therefore it wasn't given that much of a priority...

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Part 3: Memories

Silence, darkness, void...Something stirred in him however; far away he could hear a voice, barely, calling out to him. He focussed on the voice and became more distinct by the second. He remembered that lovely rumblepurring voice..he had missed it....

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Part 2: Shutdown

He seemed to wake up again from his thoughts and shook his head for a moment. He peered back at the gun he was holding and inspecting before. He hissed and cursed suddenly; the pistol was no more. He seemed to have crushed it while being in thoughts....

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Part 1: Awakening

A chilling cry of pain echoed through his head. It seemed to have awoken him. _Drias was still alive??_ His vision was at first blurred but gradually came back to him. He looked down; a hand with razorsharp formed talons had buried itself in an once...

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