Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 1
Draxuz crashed through bushes as he ran, trying his hardest to lose his newest pursuers. True to the Emperor's word, he had set a bounty on him so high that even the mightiest of...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 2
Draegor walked slowly down the dark stone hall of his master's castle. His short ears and small beady eyes swiveled back and forth as he searched each shadow and crevice for a...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 3
Draxuz felt himself waking from the fog of a dream he had been in. He shifted his head slightly, and felt something soft under him. He spent a moment trying to collect his thoughts, trying to remember what had happened and how he had gotten to...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 4
"Are we there yet?" Larka called up from behind him. Draxuz merely rolled his eyes as he kept looking around for the brush that hid his things. "You know, you didn't have to come with me if you didn't want to. I -can- make my way...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 5
Chapter 5 He walked the halls of his palace, his boots the only noise echoing off the stone walls as he made his way from his gardens. Off in the distance he heard the sounds of swords clanging together as men locked in mortal combat fought...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Call of the Hero
Call of the Hero Draxuz leaned back in the corner of the dimly lit tavern, his hood hanging loosely over his head. He had been avoiding patrols for two days in this town, staying just one step ahead of them. He cursed his...
Chronicles of Draxuz: Prologue
"Mama! Papa! Noo!" The young wolf cried out as he struggled against the iron grip of the guard holding him. He was only 14 winters old, and strong for his age, but no match for the...