Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 5
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: Adaptive Colonization from Earth File Entry: 00005 Subject: Adaptive Colonization from Earth Time Stamp: 1.23.0800AW \<2nd Space Age...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: N.T.E. Civil Wars File Entry: 00004 Subject: N.T.E. Civil Wars Time Stamp: 6.30.0690AW \<N.T.E. Civil Wars 0580-0690AW\> _"Blood. Blood...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: Narafte Project File Entry: 00002 Subject: Narafte Project Time Stamp: 4.16.0220AW \<Age of Repopulation 0001- 0220AW\> _"Evolution...
Thoughts on Alternate Universes
Type 1 AU is the same universe as our own (i.e. here in the real world), which means that the characters of the universe could potentially be able to discover that they are, in fact, fictional (at least, in the point of view of those who "created"...
An Alternate History For Placodonts
Placodonts were some of the most resilient groups of Triassic marine reptiles, consistently surviving minor extinction events with minimal diversity loss until the mass extinction. In one timeline, this did not happen. Instead, their diversity...
Executive decisions 1
Delicious smells wafted through into the lounge at 131 Forest Avenue, Ilchester, England, as a swarthy male aardvark flicked the pages of his Country Life magazine. He sank down into the plumped-up cushions that had been carefully...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: A.C.E. Project File Entry: 00003 Subject: A.C.E. Project Time Stamp: 10.15.550AW \<2nd Age of Industrial Revolution 0230-0550AW\>...
Easter in Devout America
Easter is considered a sacred time in Devout America. Celebrated as a festival dedicating the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this holiday is considered one of the least changed since 1997. This does not mean attempts have been made, similar...
Spring Break in Devout America
Spring break is considered a sacred time for kids and teenagers throughout the Devout States of America. One to two weeks of sabbatical for those in school, allowing cubs and teenaged furs the opportunity to spend time with their families, especially...
Disobedience part 1
The wolf had been staking out the depot for several days now, watching patrol routes and learning rotations of the guards. Generally he wouldn't take such a risky job but the pay was good, he needed the money and tonight was the night to strike. Lukas...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: Logan's Matrix File Entry: 00001 Subject: Logan's Matrix Time Stamp: 10.22.0001AW \<Post Nuclear Winter. Approximately 3040AD\> _"Ash....
Shadow Assassin - Chapter One: Prelude
(All Registered Trademarks and copyrighted names/materials belong to their respective owners. Such as the Borgia. This story is based off the game Assassin's Creed, but multiple changes have been made. Again, this story is BASED off the game. Shadow...