Disobedience part 1
This is a compilation work between myself and Dakota Packsley https://dakota-packsley.sofurry.com/
This is only the first part, all the other parts are needed to be edited and there will be more coming. Note that there is some Russian in here, so if you are having a hard time reading then apologies.
The wolf had been staking out the depot for several days now, watching patrol routes and learning rotations of the guards. Generally he wouldn't take such a risky job but the pay was good, he needed the money and tonight was the night to strike. Lukas spent his afternoon going over the blueprints of the building planning out his route and emergency exit. He set up his precious rifle in an old decrepit apartment building pointed at the wall of the depot, he needed for a quick exit. "Good, now just wait for the moon," the wolf sat down and went about his final preparations for the night.
"Okay now you have a three minute entry time lapse when the guards shift and i can break down the security cams and doors. I'm only going to risk this twice. Once to get in and once for an exit." Eric's young voice piped through the earpiece.
"Yeah, yeah." Kota yawned into the mic. This wasn't her first hit on a high security building. She stretched and limbered up ready for the run. Up and over the fence and inside. Seemed pretty simple to her. On her last leg stretch she groaned, "Eric."
"Tell Lana next time I'll get my own clothes." She growled into the mic as she removed the tight shorts once again from her backside, "See you soon little bro."
"See you soon. On my go."
Lukas dabbed black powder over the white markings on his face. The false metal fangs slid into place easily as fixed his disguise. He cracked his neck while he waited for the guards to rotate, counting down in his head he paced back and forth along the rooftop, where he could jump into guard tower and take out the guard, then take out the cameras and have free reign. As the last of the suns light slowly disappeared behind the buildings, the wolf stood and jumped; good thing it wasn't a long fall. He hit the sidewalk with little sound and rolled next to the door. His earpiece coming on as he tapped into the radio chatter, security rotation had just started, he had one hour.
"Okay ready?" Eric breathed in slowly.
"Yep." She took a deep breath as she adjusted her gloves, slipped a black cap on over her dark grey powdered fur.
"Three, two, go!"
On the go Kota dashed out of her hiding place and ran full speed towards the fence and jumped, scrambling up the fence; once reaching the top she placed her hand on the other side as far as she could reach down and flipped herself neatly onto her feet and crouched down. Checking if the coast was clear, she charged into the doorway and down the the hall. Stopping at the first turn she slipped her guns from their holsters and paused, reading herself.
"Okay im in." She huffed slightly, adrenaline pulsing through her veins.
"Take the left, and the last right. Somewhere along that hallway you will find an elevator, when you find that, take another left and look for the room 105."
Lukas slowly crept up to the door to the guard room and peeked inside, smiling he opened the door as silently. The guard was too busy sipping his coffee to notice that Lukas had walked right by the cameras, showing up on the monitor. The wolf stood up and tapped the guard on the shoulder. "Boo," he said as he put a tazer to the man's stomach as he turned in surprise, before pulling him down into his knee, knocking the man unconscious. The wolf didn't know he was being watched by someone else so he pulled out a small robot and placed it on the camera switchboard. The little bot whirred to life and overcharged the lines frying the camera inputs and cutting all visuals of the building from inside and out. Smiling to himself the wolf moved quickly down the hallways ducking out of guard patrol ways all while heading to room 105.
Moving silently, Kota ducked behind a door frame hearing someone heading towards her, Kota moved on after hearing the footsteps turn down another hallway.
"Kota, I-I don't think we are the only ones hitting this place up." Eric's voice came nervously over the radio. She paused and listened, "What do you mean?"
"The security camera's are down, move fast!"
"Yep." She whispered as she heard footsteps coming her way, from around the corner. Using a small mirror she pulled from her boot she looked down the hallway. One guard. Easy combat. Standing and charging her guns she jumped out from her hiding place and shot a single glowing ball into the mans chest. He flashed blue for a moment before crumpling to the ground.
Eric was right, she needed to move. Two groups hitting one place, it could end ugly. She ran on and found the door. Using a small bug about the size of a twenty cent piece she placed it onto the electrical code lock and fried the lock. The door popping open silently, smiling to herself, "Easy."
"You are in a lot of trouble little missy," came a gruff voice from behind Kota, a large bear stood over her a shotgun pointed right at her, "Up you hop little thief."
Lukas peeked around the corner and saw the woman being held up by a guard, he sighed. Great a complication, it couldn't be just a simple in and out. He walked out softly and spoke, "You know, if you're trying to impress her." His voice as cocky as the grin that swept across his face. "You have the worst first impression," the wolf pulled out a large pistol and pointed it at the bear. "Now, do you want to put the gun down or do I have to make your brains decorate the wall behind you," the wolf was bluffing of course, the gun he had didn't even work. He looked at the woman behind the bear and signalled with his eyes to do something.
Thinking fast while the bear was distracted she used the butt of her pistols to smash down onto the bears arms, the pain causing the bear to tense and firing the gun, shattering the tiled floor. Kota quickly kicked the bear in the side and shot another blue ball of energy into him. He flashed blue and tensed before dropping to his knees, dazed but not unconscious. Kota calmly slammed the butt of the gun to the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. She stood there for a moment staring down at the bear, her breathing heavy. Suddenly she locked eyes onto the stranger in front of her and pointed both guns at him.
"Whoa calm down Grey, I'm not with them," he raised his hands. "Next time can you please not let him shoot, cause in three, two, one," as the the wolf smiled an alarm went off and the hallway flashed bright red. "You've just turned a simple job into a hard job," he moved off to the room she had opened, "Don't even think of shooting me, I am going to be your only ticket out of here. Your little friend won't help you, this place is cut off from the network." He tapped at his ear as he walked past her and pulled out his grab bag, "Get what you need and make it quick, we have about five minutes till they get to the hallway." He grabbed a couple of clips of highly explosive rounds and a couple of the energy rounds, the rest normal ammo. "Move it Grey!" he said as he loaded his pistol up with real bullets.
Holstering her guns, she ran into the room after him. Slipping off her backpack and started filling it with energy rounds, shotgun shells and semi-automatic belts. She paused briefly and put her fingers to her earpiece. Silence.
"Fuck..." She whispered under her breath and reached for two huge double barrelled shotguns and strapped them too her back. She quickly reloaded her paralytic guns and reholstered them and picked up another two energy guns, frowning. She wasn't happy about using these as these guns were charged to kill. "Alright..." She hesitated, "Where too now?"
Lukas nodded and looked out the door to see guards running down both ends of the hallway, he grabbed one of the shot guns and loaded it with an explosive shell. "Through the wall," he smiled and shot the wall. The wall splintered and shattered outwards, "Stay on my tail, hopefully we wont have to shoot anyone else." He ran through the hole and turned left, as he moved quickly through the building he headed towards the wall he had "Betty" pointed at. As he rounded a corner a guard stepped out, the wolf ducked under his swing, placing his hand against the cats face and shoved him ass over with a bit too much force, tripping himself up. "Keep going, next left, right to the end of the hall way."
She paused momentarily to help the wolf but did as she was told and took the next left, confused she continued running even though the hallway had one exit point and that was another hallway going to the right. Did she stop or keep going? She stopped at the corner and turned around. As the dark furred stranger raced around the corner towards her.
"Keep going?" She shouted pointing down the hallway.
"Through the wall!" the wolf yelled back as he pulled out a little remote and pressed the red button on it. Outside the crack of the sound barrier being broken was all that was heard from betty. The wall just beside Kota blew outwards as the bullet struck the wall. "Move it Grey!" he said as he rushed past her and out into the courtyard.
Dazed she rushed after him; a bullet hit the dirt behind her from a near by guard tower. "Snipers!" She shouted as she fired back with her hand guns. She ran to her left every so often jumping left and right to dodge bullets that hit the ground around her. A bullet grazed her right arm causing her to stumble a little and drop her hand gun. Regaining her footing she dove behind a near by building. Another gun shot rang out and the bullets from the sniper ceased. She smiled recognising the sound of a familiar gun.
"Kota! Get to the fence and out, Jack is waiting!" A panicked voice screamed at her through the earpiece.
"You! Follow me!" She yelled running towards the fence and climbing it; unlike her earlier neat dismount, she tumbled from the fence onto the dirt on the other side from the pain in her arm.
The wolf climbed over the fence with her but once he hit the ground he looked at her and smiled, "Pleasure robbing with ya' grey. Next time, don't kick the hornets nest." He smiled and ran off in a northern direction down the fence line, firing his gun to draw the attention of the guards; dashing into the abandoned buildings with the guards following. Lukas knew his way around the buildings well enough that he lost the guards in no time. He slowly made his way to his temporary station and began climbing back up to where he had stashed "Betty" and began to dismantle her. He hissed as he looked at his arm noticing a bullet still embedded in there. "Lovely," he said as he pulled out a field medical kit and set to fixing up his wound, "This is going to hurt."
Using the distraction to her advantage, Kota ran off down the alley ways keeping to the shadows to her pick up point. A hulking black hummer waited under a street light as she ran over and wrenched open the door with her good arm, throwing herself in and collapsed onto the back passenger seat pulling the door closed with her foot.
"Had fun I see babe." A gruff voice chuckled.
"Fuck you." She growled back as the hummer rumbled off down the street.
Watching from the window, Svetlana stood silently watching the wolf tend to his wounds, "Venever you need 'elp, ve vill elp. Iz vat ve do to thank." she spoke in her thick russian accent. Looking the wolf over with her emerald eyes.
The wolf looked up and took in the feline, she seemed tougher than she looked and he was in no condition to try anything. "Not to often I get snuck up on, nicely done Blue," he smiled at her as he pulled out a pair of needle nose pliers for the bullet. "Good thing this didn't go to much deeper, than i could have had some serious damage," he hissed out as he poured alcohol over the wound to cleanse it. He looked at the cat and nodded, "I'll keep that in mind, but I am more of a one man deal."
"Name iz Svetlana," She spoke coolly as she walked over to the wolf and investigated his wound from a distance, "Spaseeba*. I elp." She came closer, sat and gently grabbed his arm a few inches below the wound and peered at it carefully. She released his arm and reached into the field kit she took out a stitching needle and the thread. "You are good at vat you do," She spoke as she threaded the stitching thread through the needle and started her work, "Not often ve find talent like you." She fell silent and finished up. Snipping the thread close to the wound after tying it off.
"Spaseeba for 'elp vith my girl. She special to me." She spoke as she stood up dusting herself off. She pulled a card from her pocket and dropped it on the floor, "Now you know how to find."
The wolf nodded and pulled out a bundled rag shoving it into his mouth as she stitched him up, once she was done he smiled. "Thanks, I have only really been doing bigger jobs this year." He smiled as she mentioned 'Grey'. "The girl is good, though needs to double check her surroundings before doing anything."
He slowly dragged himself up and looked out the window of the building, "You will want to go out to the east, take the aqueduct and get out of the district that way. There will be roadblocks every few streets in about ten minutes." He pointed, "and the name is Lukas."
She nodded and smiled, "I know vay out, maybe you look after self. Da?" She turned and walked to the dusty staircase and looked at him. "Ve vill be waiting, I assume after three week, no interest." Then left as silently as she came.