Chapter 15
As Ren held the lightning sword in his hand, whispers from the audience erupted around the stadium. "That's a spell that's been passed down through their family for generations. He's been training with that sword since he was young!" Delta was aghast....
Chapter 14
After Algon collapsed from exhaustion, he was taken to the infirmary to rest and the arena was repaired for James' event. Before he could head to the staging area to get ready, however, he was messaged by Lydia through the amulet and told to meet her...
Chapter 13
"Delta. Delta!" Algon yelled as he ran into the staging room. Delta only huffed and turned away to face the wall, ignoring him. "We saw you compete!" Even though Algon was smiling, Delta showed him no sign of listening. He was still looking away with...
Chapter 12
Due to the small number of people on their team, the members of Team Oopson each had their events on the same day. They were lucky, then, that none overlapped, allowing them to see each of their friends compete. They were currently in the staging area,...
Chapter 11
Chapter 11: "Come on guys, let's go! We're going to miss the opening ceremonies!" James raced out of the Moonlight Glade with Delta following close behind, still yanking on his armor. "I can't believe you chose this day, of all days, to be extra hard...
Chapter 10
James was panting heavily, but he had done it. He had finally done it. With a flick of fingers, he collapsed the massive stone wall he had created into a pile of rubble and then slumped against the wall. He had just finished replicating a basic Earth...
Chapter 9
Lydia couldn't sleep. She lay awake on her bed, listening to her roommate snore, with thoughts about the previous day running through her head. And oh boy, was there a lot to think about. James had found out that he wouldn't be participating in the...
The Enduring
Arlo was worried and angry; he was late for school. This was odd considering that he was one of the only students in sight; but for him, that was late. Pushing open the doors of Clark High School, he made a beeline for his locker. _Alright, come on,...
Chapter 33
The morning, although it started like any other, was overshadowed by a pervasive tension. Everyone was a little on edge, not knowing what was to come and all the more worried for it. "Ok, now I'm worried," Delta said as he checked his pistols for the...
Chapter 32
To the surprise of the group, the atmosphere heading to the stadium was not one of fear or worry. Instead, it mostly contained excitement and surprise. "I'm happy they finally restarted the tournament," one student grumbled to his friend as they...
Chapter 31
Arriving back at the city, the friends went straight away to tell the Queens what they had discovered. Upon hearing the news that Nu was attempting to get ultimate power and immortality, they were obviously distressed. The mages were dismissed with the...
Chapter 38
"Recognize this?" "No... NO!" James yelled, stumbling back a short distance out of shock. Even Strike and Rentor were surprised, although not to the same degree. "How could you? We trusted you!" "Yes," Phanes said. "And it was not the best move on...