part 1
Your name Dkk for Dovahkiinkit you were frozen in Skyrim then became immortal then went through other video games you just woke up on this planet called earth you just left black ops twee (pun intended) You wake up in a dumpster "What the blood...
Hell awakes
You wake up being dragged in a river three demons fly over it(XD) You stay quiet and pass out again. You wake up Again on a table bleeding. "He..Help" you whimper LightFang heals you and drags you in the thick under brush of the forest till you...
The future
-Ten years in the future- Cuts the wire and the communication device stops working "Hmm" Dkk thought The archer hid as well as Dkk the soldiers leave. Dkk cut the power and killed the Soldiers -The present- Dkk slept as the furs interrogated...
Hybrid The assassin
-Hybrids P.o.v- "Find Dkk and kill him Hybrid for all we know we kill him no more furs" Hybrid stopped daydreaming "Okay" -The next day The drop ship landed "Yea regroup before mid-Night" Hybrid nodded and held his combat knife The drop ship flew...
The healing
JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...
The healing
JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...
The healing
JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...
The healing
JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...
The healing
JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...
My p.o.v
MY pov- My tail twitches as I wake up in the burning, bombed forest "Hell..Hello" I cough as smoke enters my lungs I follow the trail of blood and body's. I whimper as my tail touches a ember. A wolf furry finds me and drags me back The wolf...
The Hopeless
You wake up to a Dragon furry shaking you "Humans are her..~The Dragon is shot~ You and what's left retreat to a small bombed city 'Used to be full of furrys until the slaughter' Ash Yelps as she gets shot you drag her the rest of the way " Fuck...
Okay this ish just for fun I'll work on de main story tommorow "Dare" "I dare you to Kill a tree .\_." "Wdf" You stab a tree Ide end X