Hybrid The assassin

Story by DemonicHoundFurry on SoFurry

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"You face a new challenge each day you get used to it"

-Hybrids P.o.v-

"Find Dkk and kill him Hybrid for all we know we kill him no more furs"

Hybrid stopped daydreaming "Okay"

-The next day

The drop ship landed "Yea regroup before mid-Night"

Hybrid nodded and held his combat knife

The drop ship flew away

Hybrid looked at the small fox foot prints~

"Well hmm."

Hybrid followed the tracks

Hybrid felt dizzy as a Knock-out dart hit his neck~

Hybrid passed out and was dragged to the base Dkk And the rebels were at.

-Dkk's P.o.v-

I watched as two furrys one being Jem dragged Hybrid

The healing

JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...

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The healing

JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...

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The healing

JJem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember I whine softly and growls at Jem a bit. Jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss Jem I cover my eyes. "Eww" You and Jem start to laugh abit. Jem shows me an empty room "Its your's...

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