What is Targöht Global?

**\*\*\*** Oh, you didn't know? Now may be a good time to inform you. Though our hero Kavik works inside a Targöht location, he isn't _actually_a Targöht worker, nor is Eliza. It's kinda confusing at first, but bear with me. The two of them are...

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Boring Basic Intro Stuff.

_Fuckin' College!_ Intro & Disclaimer! **TL;DR?** _Fuckin' College! (FC!)_is a slice-o'-life story following the lives of certain students. Some are new faces to the college while some have been there since the start. The campus itself is the...

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ToR Summary / 'Meet the Writer!'

Tales of Retail Hey! It's ya boy Kavie here, and this is a story about my life (kinda). So far every job I've had has been in retail, and I've had a lot of interesting experiences throughout the years. I've also met some really rad people, and with...
