hiatus or sumthin
sorry guys, but im going on a little trip. I promise ill be back in a few weeks.... thanks for reading
The Furry Parable Ch.6
Danny Continued to walk down the left door's passageway until he arrived at a door. He could hear music coming from the door. "Hmm I can hear music" Danny said. He then proceeded to open the door. "Wait... i have to do this?! Why? There could be some...
The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)
Danny crawled into the crawlspace. It smelled of ransid milk and rat poison. But little did Danny know, he was about to fac his first real challenge. He kept crawling until he was faced with to vent openings. Danny to the vent to his right. "Hmm, nahh...
The Furry Parable Ch.2
Danny is still being a complete and total retart, and playing CallofDuty. He really sucks at zombie mode if i do say so myself. Okay let me try this again. Danny got up and proceeded to the door. \*Danny gets up and goes to the door\* Yes! Finally some...
The Furry Parable
One day, a normal wolf was waking up. He looked at his clock and noticed it was 5:30 pm. No no, that cannot be right. The wolf's name was Danny. He yelled out for his mom " Mom! in case you hadn't noticed its like 5:34pm right now! i'm like 9 hours...
TheFurryParable Ch.8 The long awaited reunion
I step through the door, and im home again. i can tell beacuse of the sweet aroma coming from the kitchen downstairs. i look around and realize it was only a dream, because I'm still in bed. "wow, I cant believe I was dreaming..." I say as I look...
I Believe Its Time To Wake Up
It's been a long time you see. I've been away, of doing things worthy of a narrator like myself. I have traveled the world in search of the perfect stories, and the perfect endings... yet... I cannot seem to find one. Can you tell me why? Maybe it is...
The Evermor Prophecies - Rensgarde CH. I
This day was awful, probably the worst day of all time for me. I don't even want to talk about it. Seriously. My mother has had problems like this for years, but, we never expected to be like this. I stand in the dark room just looking at the bed that...
The Evermor Prophecies - What did you think?
Well, my first attempt at a real story in a while. Updates daily, comment and rate. It helps me improve my writing. Oh yeah, and this will be an interactive story, in which you, the viewers will be able to suggest what happens next after chapter 1,...
The Evermor Prophecies - Rensgarde
A bleak morning. Just as every other day. In the small village town of Grusienvur, where citizens where as bright as the morning sky on a summer day. Everyone was usually happy, not just for life, but for the Denmpire, and their fight against the...