Poem- "Coutzy"

A poem written for me by a dear friend, who sadly left the fandom not too long ago. It is my hope that he comes back soon, I miss having him here. **Coutzy** If someday the sun melted it'd be because of your warmness If people need a...

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The Hunter

A Poem, dedicated to Able Hunter. Happy (Belated) Birthday! ----------------------------------------------------------- **The Hunter** He was always there for me. And I, him. From the day we met, to our dying breath. His eyes, they sparkled as...

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The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen- Manic Monday

The second installment of the series. This time, we get a bit more insight into Vyxsin's working life. This story is clean, except for one or two cases of bad language. Reader discretion is advised. And finally, a BIG thank you to...

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