Poem- "Coutzy"

Story by Coutzy on SoFurry

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A poem written for me by a dear friend, who sadly left the fandom not too long ago. It is my hope that he comes back soon, I miss having him here.


If someday the sun melted it'd be because of your warmness

If people need a shelter they're safe with your sweetness

Oh Coutzy, What a character you are

Always happy, wise, and sweet as sugar

This is a small, humble poem, not by far what you deserve

But my real gift is to tell you that I'll always be here to serve

Be happy, you're neat. More than what anyone could ask for

I'm here, at your feet for you, I'd start a war.

It's useless to try to describe you

There aren't that many nice adjectives

You're one in a million, hard to find

No one can be that affective

You're probably asking, Why have I written this

It's mostly because You've taken me to my knees

With just some kind words, you've easily shown

That you're the person everybody would like to own.