Princess Luna - Chapter 3
Upon our arrival there, her body shaking from the effect of adrenaline, the Mare of the Cold and Silent Night tucked me into her bed and then hopped in beside me, wrapping her forelegs, hind legs, and a wing about my body, pulling me into her warmth....
Princess Luna - Chapter 2
As the night wore on, the negotiation between Luna and the Zebrican Ambassador - which had initially started peacefully - seemed to degrade; the look on the wizened Zebrican's face turned dark, and then became angrier, and angrier until at last, the...
Rocket Raccoon Comforted III
Through the miracle of the Forge, she had been restored to life. She'd met her raccoon's human and Rocket had tried to explain the relationship they had; Lylla thought she understood it - the strange, non-sexual, yet...
Rocket Raccoon Comforted
"Everything" had just... built up. One little thing after another; a slew of minor repairs and other small problems that seemed endless... until, finally, Rocket Raccoon - his small body shaking from, stress, exhaustion, being utterly worn...