To The Fallen

This is dedicated to my brothers and sisters who have given everything for the country I love. They passed on the torch to me, and I'm proud to be able to carry it. May God bless those families who have answered the call, and may God watch over and...

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Burden of Command

Author's Note: This is dedicated to my fallen brothers and sisters in arms. Those who have given everything for their country. May their sacrifice never be in vain, and may we never take what they so valiently fought and died for, for granted. Remember...

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Eight: Reconnissance)

**Disclaimer:** Although I have already said, I don't own anything, except for the OCs, nor am I making any form of profit off this besides the ability to be happy about something I did (I mean, that has to count for something, right? Right??...

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Four: Discovery)

Chapter Four: Discovery Johnson stared at the crystals in mute horror. Krystal then ran up to Johnson. "Ghost, what's wrong?" she asked. Johnson than snapped out of the shock he was in. "Get EVERYONE out of the area. NOW!" Johnson said, "EVA, level...

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter One: The Crystal)

Here's a piece (one of the six now...) that I have been working on, and have on, that I thought 'Why not post it on sofurry.' Be warned, there are no furries in _ **THIS** _ chapter. Next chapter will have them, and the same...

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