A Reptile in a Feline's World
\* All named characters within this story are actual characters I have met while in a program known as \* Second Life, and most of the characters have given me permission to mention them in the story. \* Not to be copied and given out unless credit...
Scrapped - 7) The Dragonborn
_....The Alik'r cursed at the guard, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I glanced back over to the prisoner, and thought, what the hey, We're both cheated from the same side. So, I decided to use my thieving skills._ I pretended to walk past the...
7) The Dragonborn
My name is Chamelion. I am... Dragonborn? The word still sounded strange to me....
6) The Return to Whiterun
My name is Chamelion. I am returning to Whiterun. I made my way back down the winding path, carefully wrapping the sapling in a cloth and placing it in my bag as I did so, ducking under the large roots that still had recoiled from the Nettlebane....
5) The Gildergreen
My name is Chamelion. I plan to restore the Gildergreen. I looked over at the map once again. Danica placed a marker for the Orphan Rock, where the Nettlebane was supposed to be held. I traced my claw along the path, seeing that it passed...
4) The Whiterun Visitor
My name is Chamelion. I am in Whiterun. The large doors opened at my touch, and I pushed on them wide enough for me to slide through, turning to push the door back closed, before I looked around at my surroundings. Directly in front of me was a...
3) The Counter-Thief
My name is Chamelion. I'm a- _\*Several words are written afterwards, then scratched out on top of them. The reader could barely read out 'adve' 'tomb ra' 'anti-th' before it seemed to settle on a new line.\*_ _ _ My name is Chamelion. I'm a...