Scrapped - 7) The Dragonborn
#1 of Scrapped Skyrim entries
Oh? What's this? There's a couple pages scattered about, written by the same author of the Chronicles you are reading. They seem to be discarded entries, and upon further examination, it appears to be entries that ended up going in a bad results. Perhaps it was good that these weren't in the story.
hoooo boy. This is proof that my run on Skyrim isn't as clean-cut as it appeared to be. I promised myself to put in a seperate segment for any screw-ups that occured in my campaign and I'm surprised it took this long for it to finally show up like this.
However, this isn't the first area where I was messing up badly; that would actually be in "The Gildergreen", when I was going for the Nettlebane. The fight that occured ended up going so bad (I kept dying like... 7 times?) I ended up starting that segment completely over.
But anyway, enjoy the blooper segment!
(Oh,also, yes, this will be filled with possibel grammatical and spelling errors; I'm leaving it that way, as they were scrapped so I didn't feel the need to proofread it)
....The Alik'r cursed at the guard, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I glanced back over to the prisoner, and thought, what the hey, We're both cheated from the same side. So, I decided to use my thieving skills.
I pretended to walk past the guard, before sliding myself behind a column, blending into the shadows before sneaking back around the pillar back to the guard, waiting for him to sit down, before I reached into his satchel.
Unfortunately, while I did find the "lost key", a sudden shift from the guard caused him to realize he was being robbed, promptly drew out his sword and pointed it directly at me. "By order of the Jarl, stop right there!"
I let out a growl, drawing out my own dagger but using the handle's side to push the sword aside. "And I am his Thane. I demand you let me go at once!"
"Oh," the guard put his sword down. "Forgive me, Thane. I didn't realize it was you." He looked down the hallway and nodded as he continued, "We'll look the other way this time, but even the Jarl's influence has its limits. Be more careful."
I grumbled, returning to the cell door, as the second guard approached it. I felt around for the key, but then realized that I never was successful at retrieving the key.
The entry abruptly ends here. (Note: Obviously I didn't like how this had played out, so I decided to redo that scene)
"... Very well then." [Kematu] drew a second blade, "if that's the way you want to play it, we will."
I immediately ducked back into the waterfall, summoning my familiar behind me, then quickly drew out my sword and shield. The wolf bought me enough time to do so, and I began backing up into the tunnel as the Alik'r started charging at me, only to stumble back at my shouts. I kept backing up in the tunnel, swinging my sword at any of the warriors that got close to me, blocking attacks with my shield, and firing off another Shout to stagger them, before I turned around and headed back into the upper commons room, jumping over the bear traps.
The first one stepped on one of the bear traps, but he nimbly dodged out of my way as I came to attack him, and the rest of the Alik'r warriors, along with Kematu, started piling out. They tried to swarm around me, but I kept backing up against the ledge to avoid them from having to sneak up from behind -
-until I lost my footing and fell to the lower area. Fortunately, the drop was short, and the Alik'r (for some reason) started running down the long way instead of leaping down after me. This gave me time to prepare my familiar once again, letting it be a guard as they filed out once more, a coupdl of them attacking the wolf. This gave me time to attack one of the warriors, knocking him down, but I had to back off as the rest of them started approaching me. I was able to fell one of them but I ended up getting trapped in a corner, and it was a lucky blow from one of the Alik'r that felled me instead.
The rest of this page is torn out. Clearly the writer was not happy with that result.
(To avoid the dialogue, I immediately attacked Kematu from this point on, including the official recording of the story.)
I released a shout, startling some of the warriors, and began to summon my familiar was I ran back into he tunnel, but one of the Alik'r warriors surprised me and swung, missing me but interrupting my concentration. I quickly drew out one of my swords and struck him with it, backing down the tunnel as I made my way back to the commons room, pausing as I got out of the water and prepared a flame spell instead.
...and oddly enough, the Alik'r... well... they got stuck.
Apparently all of them tried to follow me, but instead of giving each other room to move, they all pushed in at once, wedging themselves against the tunnel, each fo them struggling to try to move as Kematu stood from behind, shouting at his men. I released my flame spell on them, but it was evident to me that I either did not have that great of a spell, or they were used to the extreme heat, or it was because thye were still in the water that the flame spell dind't seem to work as well as I had hoped.
I drained all of my mana pool focusing on the flame spell, and switched back to my blde, stabbing one of them in the throat, making him collapse, sort of, while the other men tried to swing at me with their blades.
Fortunately that bought me enough time to consume a few potions, and I switched to a Sparks spell, which proved much more useful as another Warrior got electrocuted in the water. A third one had fallen, before Kematu himself broke through the warrior barricade and swung at me, causing me to stop my attacks and draw out my blade once more. My distraction with Kematu also allowed the remaining warriors to free themselves and file in behind Kematu, waiting for their chance to strike at me while I focused on blocking the wild attacks of their leader, and I chose at that time to back out and ggo back into the commons room.
Unfortunately the men were smarter than I thought, able to avoid the traps while Kematu and I continued clashing scimitar against dagger and shield, but unfortunately during the clash, one of the warriors was able to sneak up behind me, grab me in a chokehold, and thrust his scimitar right into my abdomen.
The rest of it appears to be scribbled furiously before the page was clearly torn out. (Note: I was upset with this, too, I felt like that was a good fight until I got cheap-shotted)