Can't Escape, Part II: Mischievous
* * * Can't Escape, Chapter 2: Mischievous. * * * The sun approached the horizon from beneath, forcing a new morning sky to glow bright and gold as it emerged. Vera's pupils reduced to pin-holes as she stared into its glory from atop a...
Can't Escape, Part VII: Hot Tempered
* * * Can't Escape, Chapter 7: Hot Tempered. * * * Vincent and Theodore discussed finances and other things alone, as Vera was away meditating somewhere awkward and the others slept soundly. Spinning Jacqueline's pokedex on an...
Can't Escape, Epilogue: Likes to Relax
* * * Can't Escape, Chapter 10: Likes To Relax. * * * "But, why throw the hats?" Theodore folded his poncho as he entered behind Vincent and Jacqueline. "It's tradition, Fifi; it's not supposed to make sense. And, it's a place of...
Can't Escape, Part IV: Good Perseverance
* * * Can't Escape, Chapter 4: Good Perseverance. * * * Sparks crawled across the sink water's surface. At the instant they subsided, a poised ninetales leapt from the floor and snapped at an ampharos's face in an attempt to remind the...
I remember the day that I received my first pokemon. "Today, I am a young man, like my older classmates!" You smelled like the kennel; as I bathed you, I discovered your secret. "What are the odds I'd get stuck with a girl cyndaquil?" I never...
Sacred fire lit up the night, as another gang of thugs were driven off for fear of burning to death. They would have to take him by surprise to stand a chance of capturing him. The phoenix pecked at the girl gently in an attempt to wake her. He...
Love Lost, Chapter 16a: Declarations.
* * * Love Lost, Chapter 16a: Declarations. * * * Grace spun with a flourish to present herself wearing her present from Sulmepride's fashion district, "Ta-da!" but Joe's vision was fixated on his trainer's device after he greeted her and...
I'm sorry, boy. You've been the best friend I've ever had, even if you were a brainwashed bug. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but you can't kill a zubat, and I can't eat a graveler. I will make it quick, I won't let it hurt. In my...
Eternally Vernal, Epilogue: Snowflakes On Flowers, Their Souls Preserved Beneath Glass, Springtime Forever
* * * Eternally Vernal, Epilogue: Snowflakes on flowers, their souls preserved beneath glass, springtime forever. * * * Fardeau, coming to realize the concept of context, felt frustrated. In the woods, a battle to the death to protect his...