Your Best [INSERT HERE] Walks Into a Bar Jokes With a Twist!
A finely-dressed fellow walks into a bar with a wee little bloke sitting on his shoulder. He orders up two, top-shelf, single-malt shots of the finest the house has to offer, hands one to the wee bloke and downs the other himself. After the wee bloke...
Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...
I was a little on the fence about sharing a private conversation that Dasher and I had back on September 26th, 2013 ... They were thoughts he and I might not have wanted to share publicly, but through PM's, we were both able to express some deep...
What Does It Take for a Wish to Come True?
**The Story Never Told ... Until Now** **The Universe is Inexplicably Large, and No Matter How Improbable,** **There's Plenty of Space for Wishes and Dreams to Come True!** When first contact finally occurred, it didn't happen like the scholars,...