Emotinal Crisis. In the end we...
I guess ever since i told him that i was gay this outcome was inevitable, but at least this time he actualy tryed instead of just rejecting me. I can't say I'm compleatly at peace with it, but i can say that i said all that i wanted to say to him, and...
Emotinal Crisis Averted?
Well, me and my friend sort of made up, via tex messaging. I know lame right, but it worked. We are gonig to start haingin out again! Yay, but there are going to be some "Conditions" that he set up, but don't worry, i didn't just role over and took...
Emotional Crisis (please i need your help)
I know this isn't how the Story mode on SF is traditinaly used, but my emotinal state sort of effects my story writing, meaning i just cant muster the energy to write. So please read the following and give me comments on how to deal with this. Over...
X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter One: Every time you kill a deer, God conspieres to fuck you up.
Marvel has credit for all the X-men characters in this story. None of them are mine, yet anyway. I may add some characters, but as of yet i haven't. ...
X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter Two: One Act of Human Kindness
I do not take credit for the characters in this story from Marvel. The only one that is original is Hex and the little girl. This story will hold gay actions in it latter, but as of yet not now, but sooner or later Hex will have some fun with...