Sweet Embrace: The Calling

Kody hooks up with an old friend and thinks more on the past. Gearing up for the next chapter! Sweet Embrace: The Calling ~Part Three~ \*\*\*\* Kody woke up after hearing the sound of the first passing car; the loud truck let out a loud crack as it...

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Going Away

# \*\*\*\* _Kody is taunted by another flashback of when Dustin was alive. The decision that Dustin is faced with; a choice of letting go of Kody before he dies, or making things worse for Kody by staying._ \*\*\*\* Kody's body lay out on the...

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Coming Home

# [Ch1 Sweet Embrace: Coming Home](%5C) # [Ch2 Sweet Embrace: Going Away](%5C) \*\*\*\* Kody is once again looking into the past. He remembers all of the good times shared between him and his mate, and the momory of Dustin's return comes back to...

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