Coming Home

Story by BaisteachCeilteach on SoFurry

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[Ch1 Sweet Embrace: Coming Home](%5C)

[Ch2 Sweet Embrace: Going Away](%5C)


Kody is once again looking into the past. He remembers all of the good times shared between him and his mate, and the momory of Dustin's return comes back to haunt him.


Kody stared blankly at the tree just outside the window. He had loved to sit under the tree whenever he got an excuse to go outside. Kody's eyes were just hollow and drained of emotion as he watched an unknown rottie pass behind the tree in front of his eyes.

It had been almost a week since he had moved or even attempted to move from the floor under the window. The memories of what had happened sneaking up on him almost every time his eyes met the tree outside. His ears were held close to his head as the pain flooded his body yet again. A single tear fell to the ground as the last few days replayed in his mind.


Kody jumped with joy as he awoke to a knock at the door. It was two in the morning and Kody knew exactly who it was right outside the door. His mind racing as he pulled on some boxers and frantically reached out to open the door. "Hi baby!" A deep voice and loving voice said as Kody's chest was constricted by a hug from his mate. "Welcome home sweetie!" That was all Kody could manage to slip out before his muzzle was pressed into Dustin's muzzle.

Dustin broke the kiss after what seemed like an eternity. He grabbed his things and started to say, "Are you going to let me..." Kody felt the redness jetting into his face. Before Dustin could finish his sentence Kody grabbed one of his bags and said "Oh...of course love..."


Dustin took off his work stained clothing as Kody sat at the end of their bed. "I thought you were not coming home for a few more months?" Kody said in almost a whisper. He was curious but didn't care much at the same time; the pure joy of his mate being back masking his concern. "Well...we were in town...I just wanted to see you..." Dustin said in a shallow and almost hurt voice. "I am glad you are home sweetie."

Dustin grabbed a towel off of the shelf and smiled sweetly at his mate. With a playful wink from the panther, and a soft chuckle, Dustin walked into the bathroom saying, "I love you baby!" Kody just barely said, "I love you too..." as the door shut and the sound of running water filled the room.

Kody prepared their bed for both of them; adding two extra pillows for his mate. Kody knew that he wouldn't need any pillows with his mate lying in the bed, but he always put out extra pillows just in case. He slipped out of his boxers again and snuggled under the covers just as the sound of water stopped. Dustin dried off quickly and walked out into the room to join his mate.

Dustin turned off the lights and slipped into the bed with his mate. Kody let Dustin lay completely down so he could look at him closely. Shortly after his mate got fully comfortable, Kody laid his head into Dustin's soft and fresh chest fur. He breathed deeply as he watched Dustin fall asleep and he shortly joined him after whispering, "I love you." Dustin's arms wrapping him tightly and pushing his whole body closer to his mate.


The morning hours passed in a blur, both of them waking and pulling on some shorts. Dustin and Kody sharing a good-morning kiss before both of them headed downstairs. The afternoon drew closer and Dustin went outside to sit under the tree in the front. Kody prepared both of them lunch and went outside to sit next to Dustin.

"Here ya go baby...I made you lunch..." Kody said smiling as his mate looked into his eyes. "Oh thanks looks wonderful." Dustin said with a giggle. They ate slowly; Dustin giggling as he looked around, more interested in other things. Kody sat his food aside as he put his paw over his mates shoulder. "What is wrong sweetie?" Dustin shifted quickly trying to fight back his tears; not wanting to make Kody cry. " is...don't worry about...," Dustin shaking in fear as he let his eyes drift into Kody's. "Its alright can tell me anything..." Kody said starting to get nervous himself.

Dustin held onto Kody's paw tightly still unsure if he wanted to tell Kody the truth. "C'mon Dustin...I will still love you no matter is really okay..." Kody said watching the single tear falling to the ground. "Please Dustin...what is wrong?" Kody now frantically trying to know what was hurting his mate so badly. "I...promise you wont...I..." Dustin struggled to get his words to flow as if nothing was wrong. "I...I have...cancer..."

Kody's heart dropped from his chest as his ears fell close to his head. "Are you sure...who told you..." Kody talked and gasped with every passing word; Dustin now crying and gripping Kody's paw tighter than before.


Kody snapped back into reality only to see that it was dark again. Tears rolled down his face wetting his fur. Reluctantly he stared out the window; not wanting this painful vision to go on. He sat quietly until he opened his muzzle and relinquished his tears; letting them dry onto his fur again. "I love you Dustin," were the only words that had passed through his lips this whole week.

He closed his eyes and lay onto the cold and hard ground. Falling asleep quickly as he whimpered from the lack of warmth Dustin used to provide when he was home.
