Academy Days 2
Academy Days Part 2 for ArrowQuiverShaft by Draconicon The eagle was nowhere to be seen in the halls, leading Arrow to believe that another instructor had taken the eagle aside with a reminder not to linger idly...
Luminari transformation
With all the activity that's been going on in your life lately, you've been driven to a near breaking point. You can't seem to fix anything and every single day seems to bring more bad news that stacks on top, and there's only so much that can be done...
Enfield transformation
The feeling doesn't start out unpleasant. In fact, if anything, it's barely noticable as you're sitting at your computer. A bit of tingling in your legs, but hey, you've been sitting down for three hours, they might be getting a bit restless. Nothing...
Scale Armor
Scale Armor by: Theo Winters Written for ArrowQuivershaft Kawheek let out a long sigh as he climbed up the heavy wooden stairs of the inn, heading up towards his room. Down below he could hear the rest of his adventuring group starting to party...
Swarm Front
Swarm Front By Theo Winters Written for Arrow Quivershaft There was something wrong with the old broken village, but it wasn't just a single thing. The air had a smell to it, a flavor that seemed out of place; It was also strangely quiet, the...
Invisible Wings, 4/4
I didn't realize how hard flying would be. It wasn't the flapping that was hard. It was the soaring. Hawks ... we make it look so effortless when we're in the sky, gliding and circling overhead. But there's so much to learn, so much to practice. How...
Invisible Wings, 3/4
"Keep this pressed to your chin." "Okay." I held the gauze pad to my face. "I need to get bandages and disinfectant ... " Jen was tapping notes into her flip-phone. Either that, or texting someone. "Do you want me to get you anything?" I shook my...
Invisible Wings, 2/4
"This is ridiculous." I was standing on top of the wood-and-metal playground equipment at a nearby park. Behind me was a wheel attached to the wall, one that didn't seem to do anything. And in front of me was a five-foot drop, where a slide went down...
Invisible Wings, 1/4
We had to take the stairs, because my wings couldn't fit in the elevator. It was embarrassing. I tried holding my arms high at first, trying to keep the feathers from trailing the steps, and it looked like I was pantomiming being led off in chains....
Working on the Farm
Working on the Farm By Elanna Thenyr felt anxious as Kawheek spoke to the farmer's widow, and his constant shifting stance made his heavy armor clank. There was a bad aura throughout the whole area, one that kept his feathers ruffled and his...
Green Goo
Green Goo By Theo Winters Written for Arrow Quivershaft Thenyr took in a long drink of water as he relaxed on the bench, waiting for his name to be called for his next round. He didn't think it would take that much longer as the final fight of...
A Day In The Woods by Theo Winters
A Day in the Woods by: Theo Winters Written for ArrowQuivershaft Kawheek ran though the dim woods, his wings pulled tightly against his back. Behind him he could hear the sound of the bandits following close behind, the trees snapping as they...