Touched, Chapter 5

_"Lady, are you crying, do the tears belong to me_ _Did you think our time together was all gone_ _Lady, you've been dreaming, I'm as close as I can be_ _And I swear to you our time has just begun_ _Close your eyes and rest your weary mind_ _I...

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Touched, Chapter 4

_"What is it really_ _that's going on here?_ _You've got your system for total control._ _So is there really anybody out there?_ _Now watch us suffer cause we can't go._ _What is it really that is in your head?_ _What little life that you had...

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Touched, Chapter 3

_"I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost_ _If I'm asking for help it's only because_ _Being with you has opened my eyes_ _Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?_ _I keep asking myself, wondering how_ _I keep closing my eyes but I can't...

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Touched, Chapter 2

_"There's no one in town I know_ _You gave us some place to go._ _I never said thank you for that._ _I thought I might get one more chance._ _What would you think of me now,_ _So lucky, so strong, so proud?_ _I never said thank you for...

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Random Thoughts in a semi-poetic form

It's another winter, if you can call it that here. Balmy seventy-degree weather, cool breezes. So then why do I feel so cold inside? I could die today. Would you care? Would anyone? Sure, my funeral would have throngs in attendance. I...


My First, My Last

_I know this isn't the next part of my Andromeda Rising series or Zee series, but it's something I scribbled down on my break at work and decided to upload really quick. Been so swamped, but I promise I'll try to get some work done this...

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Figuring Things Out--An Introduction

_Hello everyone. I am sorry for my sporadic nature in my scheudule. Today is the first day I've had available to begin work on Zee's story. This is going to be a multi-part segment. Essentially, I'm going to post as pieces become available. This is...

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Andromeda Rising Ch. 6

**Andromeda Rising VI** -_Credit for the song sung in this chapter goes to Vienna Teng, "Lullaby for a Stormy Night."_ Matthew leaned back in his chair, bringing his fingers to pinch at the bridge of his nose, right between his eyes....

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Luca's Story Ch. 19

Chapter XIX--The Harder They Fall _Softly Now,_ _You owe it to the world_ _And everyone knows that you're my favourite girl_ _But there's some things in life that are not meant to be_ _I'm not meant for you and your not meant for...

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Luca's Story Ch. 18

Chapter XVIII--You're Going to be OK _Patti: What's going to happen? What does the future hold? So many things that I put off Assuming I'd have time, assuming I'd grow old What's going to happen? And will I be alive tomorrow? What's going...

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Andromeda Rises Ch. 3

Andromeda Rising III The dreams started to surface sporadically at first. The first week they were hardly noticeable. The second, Lizzy just thought them nothing more than vivid nightmares. But as the evening of the fourteenth day came along, Lizzy...

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A Poem

Would you kill me if I asked it? Do you love me that much? I made a call to Jesus, He wouldn't do it. And I heard his love was eternal. What is it to live when you breathe The poisonous thoughts of heart and mind Like air from a paper...

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