My First, My Last
I know this isn't the next part of my Andromeda Rising series or Zee series, but it's something I scribbled down on my break at work and decided to upload really quick. Been so swamped, but I promise I'll try to get some work done this week!
My First, My Last
You sought me out.
You knew I was different.
So did so many of the Deltas, I suppose.
Even when others didn't see it,
you could see it in me.
And when I told you,
tears streaming down my face,
you held me in your arms.
You promised me you'd be there
when I fall down.
Perhaps it would be better to say
you'd be there
for when I came out.
And for that night, I was happy.
For that night, I was accepted.
Waking at five or so,
the first wan beams of sunshine hitting your window.
It was bliss like I never knew existed.
You see, I thought you were different.
I thought all Deltas were,
since you were a fraternal brotherhood
of acceptance.
Of what?
I wonder that now.
I could be me with you,
not this masculine mask I parade in.
Then I heard you speak.
Right outside your door you stood.
Did you think me so dumb?
Is that all I was?
Your brothers and you spoke like any frat boy would.
It was your story of the hunt,
and I was your prey.
All this time, that is all I was.
I know what you told them.
How you sought this doe,
tracking her so carefully,
so cautious not to misstep.
And then when you had her in your sights,
you shot her through the heart.
I know what you won't tell them.
They are the things I felt because of you.
You bled that kill dry,
picked at a few of the sweet meats,
and then mounted the head in your room.
What remained was an empty corpse,
no longer so elusive,
no longer strived after.
Every time you touched my hand.
Every flirtatious comment.
Every ride you gave me to work.
For me it was love.
For you, a chess game,
and I was left with an incomplete set.
You set up the salt lick,
camouflaged your intent,
aimed true,
and killed me.
And to think...
I thought I was loved.