When Tomorrow Comes Act I, Chapter 5
I had planned on uploading this earlier, but life got in the way, so here it is now. The conclusion to Team Timbria's excursion into the middle of nowhere, with 6 or 7,000 words of pretty much straight action. Also for those of you playing along at...
Justice of the Sun Part 1
**Part 1: Truth** You know, I never thought I'd die like this. Of course it was something I had feared, joining the marines and all, but nothing really prepares you for it. Just staring up at the ceiling, waiting for your life to drain out of you....
Hawt Proxy Part 3
Welp, it's over. And at long last, I get to work on a real story again! Yay! Now I can put all my concentration into that, right up until the Olympics start. Then it's gonna be pretty hit or miss, but it'll give me a chance to play "How much of a novel...
Red, White, and Blue Prologue and Chapter 1
Alright, first attempt at a story. It's got action and stuff. Feedback is welcome, enjoy. [Chapter 1](http://www.sofurry.com/view/321135) [Chapter 2](http://www.sofurry.com/view/321743) [Chapter 3](http://www.sofurry.com/view/324059) [Chapter...
Alright, so this is something I kinda wanted to put in for the winter story contest. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that was happening until it was too late and didn't get it done in time. But whatever. It's up now, and it's radically different from...