A Little Peace, part 1

Locke had to resist the urge to put his ear to the huge wooden doors to listen what was said within. His whole core shook. Part of him desperately wanted to know every word spoken in this meeting, but another wanted to have nothing to do with it until...

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Not Quite Frankincense

"There were a lot more people today than usual," Nathan said as he placed the extinguished staves in the trunk. "Yeah...I was actually a little nervous!" Rosa chuckled, twirling a poi that had been put out. "But it's great to see that so many people...

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Meaning "Serpent Lady"

"Tanith? Would you be a dear and feed the creatures on floor B2 for me? I have this big date, and I really can't miss it." "I have _things_ I need to do, Carly," Tanith said over her shoulder as she filed some papers into a cabinet. "And now...

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