Children Chpt 10: Bloodied Soil

Bloodied Soil Mealtime came and went, as did lights-out, and the next day started quietly. Amanda slept on when Cibbie and Fortune, donned in their recruit training uniforms, headed down to the ship's firing range, one deck below the room they had...

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Templars stood all around as the figure standing by their fountain slowly rose, glowing sections of her armour illuminating her front, the light casting an ominous shadow over her face. "This temple is quaint." She said. "It's no wonder we were sent...

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Gnoll's Plight

Many stories run on happiness; saving the princess, friendship, winning a competition, these are all things that drive the plot forward, keeping us interested in what will happen next. We gain a small sense of euphoria when we reach the climactic...

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Archethal Species Datasheet

Species: Archethal. Carbon based mammalian species based in the Pegasus sector of space (E-32). Average height: 5'10" Average weight: 60-130 Kg. Different Breeds: 2 Goldenfur. ...

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Reapers: God of Death

Ashes struck the ground, torches toppled from their stands and died, and a sole figure walked through the collapsing mayhem. The very walls around them seemed to lash out against the robed figure, trying to slow their progress. The figure reached the...

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Children Chapter 7: Family Matters

Cibbie and Melissa walked back into the Den together, idly chatting about their drakes. Melissa was surprised that Amanda was clean of blood, not to mention how shiny her scales were; but then Cibbie told her that Flare had cleaned her after the events...

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Phony Paige

Phony Paige sighed heavily. It had been a drearily long day, and she had finished the work that her cover job had assigned her hours ago. Usually the only thing she looked forward to every day was going home and writing her daily report, though...

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Ucci pulled her Mana Pepper in the window, putting the hardy plant on her countertop and retrieving a pair of Mithril pruning shears from the collection of horticulture implements under the counter. It was rare that she would have to use them, and she...

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Children Chpt 9: Kinslayer

Kinslayer Pride eventually introduced Sharp to the other people in the room, the artificial intelligence warming up to them quickly. Michael shook her hand personally. "Miss. Sharp, I welcome you to the Hunter's Guild. For observational purposes...

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Gardevoir Motherhood. Chapter 1: Final Straw.

Her rage-filled mind burned the world around her, making insects and Pokemon alike flee deeper into the forest. She growled at a Houndoom so fiercely that the female with pups flattened herself against the ground and backed into the forest slowly, ears...

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Mesprit's Savior

The lakes in the Shinnoh region had always been, naturally, linked to legends. Rare Pokemon flocked to the lakes to drink from the cool, crystal clear waters; even some as rare and elusive as small packs of Suicune with their young had been filmed...

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