The reason I live.

Another day, just put on a smile. Make a joke to keep up appearances. Just have to be strong for a little while. Drown myself in music; long distances. Put on a show, false wit on the forefront. Giggle, laugh; enough to dispel questions. Look...

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Love lost Love found part 2

Breaking the kiss the dragon hid behind his tail. He knew not what came over him he just knew it felt right. "Oh hun I shouldn't have done that" The husky looked down at his paws, shame and embarisment upon his face. "no I leaned in too, it's just I...

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Love lost, Love found

As I lay there my life flowing out of a bullet hole left by a thieving fox, I thought about her face one last time as the darkness closed in. Opening my eyes I noticed a figure standing over me, as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness i could see...

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