Love lost Love found part 2

Story by Vlad Drago on SoFurry

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Breaking the kiss the dragon hid behind his tail. He knew not what came over him he just knew it felt right. "Oh hun I shouldn't have done that" The husky looked down at his paws, shame and embarisment upon his face. "no I leaned in too, it's just I have never really been attracted to males." The dragon replied with the same amount of shame on his face. "Well do you find yourself attracted to me" As Vlad thought about it he had felt something with Exile, something he and Snow never had, pure joy. They both walked out awkwardly, as Exile walked to his car Vlad followed. When the husky reached his car Vlad grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, just as the canine was going to ask what was going on Vlad kissed him. When they broke the kiss Vlad stood there nervously,the husky stood there confused. "umm, goodbye Exile" The dragon padded over to his truck, as he was pulling out he saw Exile grinning ear to ear. When Vlad walked.into his emptied appartment an overwelming wave of sadness washed over him. He wept, the loss of his relationship hit him hard. He loved snow, and she crushed his heart. When he woke he dressed for work, his equine receptionist was shocked he was working so soon after being shot, but the dragon quickly pacified her. After working with some of his regular patients the dragon went out to the clinic's patio for a smoke, there waiting for him was the last person the dragon wanted to see. "hey bro brought you some lunch" There ten feet in front of Vlad was the big bear, holding a styrofoam box probably filled with some sort of salad, he grinned and every fiber of Vlad's being wanted to end the bear's existance, but he restrained himself. "just thought we could talk or something" said the bear, rubbing the back of his neck. "Leave and never come back" the dragon spat doing his best.not to rip out the cocky bear's jugular. "i brought you a greek salad, your favorite" the bear smiled. Vlad walked the short distance between them stopping when he was muzzle to muzzle "i want you off my property khona" "But Vlad I" "begone" the dragon yelled the bear's voice. "do you at least want me to tell Snow hello" Fire burned in Vlad's eyes not caring what happened the dragon punched the bear in his muzzle sending his large form flying. The contents of the box flew out sendind lettuce, olives, and cheese everywhere. As the bear picked himself up, he knew not to mess with Vlad, he and Snow had started all of this, and the bear knew it. When Vlad got home he thought of the look on his receptionist's face when he walked in afted the cpnfrontation.but she said nothing of it. He took off his shirt and tie, he preffered being without a shirt on, he liked the feeling of the cool air conditioning on his scales. He checked his phone he had one text, this was from Exile. The text asked Vlad if he would like to eat dinner at the husky's the folowing night. Vlad, of course, accepted. the dragon was never happier. Vlad pulled up to the little downtown appartment of Exile's. When Exile opened up the door he was delightfully surprised to see the dragon had brought wine. "Oh I love Carlo Rossi" said the husky,opening the bottle of merlot and pouring two glasses. "yes it is a personal favorite of mine" the dragon agreed. The husky laughed and went into the kitchen. "i wasn't expecting you this early so dinner will be a few" "that's fine" the dragon called back as he strolled looking at all the husky's photos. After ten minutes the host announced dinner was ready. They sat down dinner, a grilled salmon, with a wild rice side. "delicious, thank you for inviting me Exile" "you're welcome but please call me Ex everyone does" the husky smiled. Agter dinner the dragon helped his host clean off the table and wash dishes. "you didn't have to do that" said the husky when they were finished. "it was my pleasure, you cooked the wonderful dinner I helped clean up." They sat down to watch a movie, it was some new scary flick everyone said was great, they never got to finish it, they fell asleep in each other's arms.