Hurt: Chaper 1.

I'm going to go ahead and put a disclaimer here. This story may contain content that is unsuitable for underage readers. This includes, but is not limited to, Murder, cursing, Sex, blood and Gore, use of alcohol, drugs, and self-harm. If this is not...

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I Was Holding Her Hand

I was holding her hand - when we first fell in love. Those sunny days when we'd laugh and play. I was holding her hand - that day at the altar. So smooth and alive, with beautiful eyes. I'm surprised I did not falter. I was holding her hand - when she...

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I Don't Understand

I don't understand how it happened - the why, the when, the where. I don't understand the reason - Or why you seem to care. But I understand the joy you bring - and the love you like to share.


This is Your War

We're all marching, boots are stomping. Make sure your rifle's ready. Watch those jets fly - Hear the war cry. Does it get to you? This is your war, this is your life. Are you gonna die tonight? Bullets flying - dead men crying. Just what were you...


Days of War

Mothers, Fathers - Sons and Daughters say goodbye. Freedom's calling - they're all falling, say goodbye. Now the war's done - coming back home, alone. They support it - but its not worth it to me. Wives are lying - children crying. These are your days...


"A Hunter's Solace" Chapter 1: Warmth and Sleep

Avalon. That's what they called this place, this metropolis. A center for trade throughout the Hagorian Empire, located on the capital world of Hagorium. I could stand on this balcony for hours, watching the sea the city rests beside, the lights of...

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You'll Never Know

Late at night I'm wide awake. I wish I knew just what to say. How to tell you how I feel, but you'll never know. Laying in the dark alone. All these thoughts of the unknown. I cant sleep while thinking of you. But you'll never know. Cause I'm a fool...



Welcome to the soldier side. where there's no one here but me. Where walls can talk to spill the lies. Where we see the world through devil's eyes. Welcome to the soldier side. Where people all grow up to die.


Rest In Peace.

For all those who love the grunge rock of the 90's, today we have lost a wonderful artist. Chris Cornell died today. He was formally part of the bands "Audioslave" and "Soundgarden". In memory of this great musician, what follows are the lyrics of my...

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The Soldier Side: Preface

Good evening everyone. This will be my first attempt at writing a story, so I do expect this not to be the best story I will ever write. This will also be an adult story. Gore, sex, nudity, and excessive profanity, along with other adult themes will...


Lonely Night's Cry

My heart it longs for your company Wishing you were here with me Please don't go my dearest, please Stay with me, please. Stay with me. Hold me close, don't let me go Stay, oh please love. Stay with me Hold me close, ne'er let me go.
