"A Hunter's Solace" Chapter 1: Warmth and Sleep
#1 of "A Hunter's Solace"
Avalon. That's what they called this place, this metropolis. A center for trade throughout the Hagorian Empire, located on the capital world of Hagorium. I could stand on this balcony for hours, watching the sea the city rests beside, the lights of the modern world mixing with the light of the moon and stars. These lights mingle and create a stunning light show of sorts. This phenomena is probably the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The first is currently snuggle against my chest, seeking to escape the cool night air. I look down at him, a tuft of curly bron hair set between his large bat ears. He must have sensed me looking at him, as he looks up and me with those wide eyes whose irises are like massive rubies, sparkling with such brilliancy that one cannot help but be transfixed by them. Anton was certainly the most beautiful creature in all of existence. I love my little vampire bat more than anything else. Though what he is would deter most from getting anywhere near him, I was drawn to him because of it. Anton smiles up at me, revealing a set of perfect white teeth with two fangs. "Koro?" He says "Can we please go inside? It's freezing out here." He pouts and gives me the saddest look he possibly can. I sigh, not being able to say no to that face. "Fine, we can go in. There's not much happening tonight anyway." I pick him up and carry him to the bed, kicking the door closed behind me as I walk into the bedroom. Anton gives me a sly look as I lay down next to him, pulling the covers over both of us. He rolls onto my chest and pouts again "Can I have a drink, please?" He asks. I roll my eyes and just nod, to which he excitedly buries his head in the crux of my neck and shoulder. I wrap my arms around him as I feel his fangs pierce my skin. I roll us to the side as he drinks my blood. I let him take as much as he wants, my body being able to almost instantly replenish any that he takes. I chuckle at his cute little moans and squeaks of delight. He finishes his drink and licks the bite and his lips clean, then curdles against me, the warmth of our bodies slowly lulling us both to sleep. As my eyes start to flutter close, I hear him whisper "Goodnight, my sweet hunter."